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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. BEEB BEEB! QUICK UPDATE! Here, have the OFFICIAL Trollbox Islands theme song! [mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JWZQOHcbtE&feature=related[/mp3]
  2. The helmet is weaker than yours (as yours is for the army, and they are just simple security guards), so it was left out by default. Thanks, but remember to give your suggestion on what weapons should be picked up! Thats most prodably negative, as Green members have their own countries (those who were active at that time, perhaps I'll make new version someday)
  3. "Lesdothis." "GRENaaaID!" *bang!* "Why did you do that.. I didn't sell Romeo's year..."
  4. A is winning with 6 votes! B is following almost as close with 4, I repeat, 4 votes! And last (and least), C is coming with 2 votes! Act quickly, as I will start posing the next pictures after playing some TF2! Votes over lads, A won.
  5. EmRA

    1 to a 1000

    It was at the first few pages when I googled that number. Anyhow, let's show these outsiders how it's done in the north! D:<
  6. All the choises include corpse looting, please choose one of those letters.
  7. The ushanka is nowhere to be seen... QUEST STARTED: Teammate's Ushanka You: MEEDEEC! DOCTORR! No one answers your call... You start walking (and climbing) to the direction you think the helicopter fell from (but cuz the plane was spinning, you have no idea where). Suddenly you start hearing gunshots. You proceed with cauntion, after you see the shooters. The guy who is alone seems to be part of the Shoutbox Security from what you have heard of them. The four other guys shooting at him are something you have never seen before, so you don't know what/who they are. One of them is shot, and one appears to be running at the security guy with some sort of melee weapon. You put the safety off, and laser sight on. This is real combat. You have 4 choises (and you better not whine about this): A: Stay there until one of the sides is killed, then go kill the rest, and loot the corpses. B: Aid the security guy, you have the element of surprise as the unknown guys haven't spotted you (neither has the security guy) C: Aid the unknown guys, they might be rebellion against the security officers. D: Silently pass the situation, and crawl around them. Think fast, as I'm going to continue this later today (50% chanse that being valve time).
  8. If I'll say it now, it would take even longer right? Anyhow, tomorrow.
  9. Lazyness and failing are two different things. Anyhow, you fucknuts got me so pissed I'm now going to pose the next part. As in, this topic didn't fail. It just got delayed. Just like Valve does all the time. And does Valve fail? No.
  10. No. I'm still just lazy. It will wake up as soon as I get that OMG I HAVE TO CONTINUE THIS feeling. Which.. Might be a bit far away.
  11. Good people, this thread is about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Not halo, and not Call of Duty 4.
  12. Funny thing is, I've never played any of those. :U And I'd say that would be the situation if the knight would just rush at the soldier, but that wouldn't be experienced now would it? If the soldier is noob, he most prodably can't aim for the head. And if the knight is experienced, he attacks only when close enough to surely hit with his weapon. Plus the knights have alot more resource points, as in, they are not supposed to be equal. That, my good sir would be dismemberment for soldiers. And the arrows sticking to your victims. Also, the catapults. Maybe even some sort of commander system for them? Or something like that..
  13. So, I've had this idea in my head for quite a while which I have shared with few people, but it hasn't got the nasty feeling off my shoulders. So I thought that sharing it here would take it off. Anyhow, for now let's call it EUROPEAN UNION TRAVELS TIME FOR OIL AND SHIT In the near future, world's recources are depleting, causing many conflicts and so on. This also makes good things happen, like european union becoming one single country, trying to fix the problem with new types of fuel and so on. However, the scientists have discovered something better: A time machine. After some testing (like killing someone less useful in the past), it is proven that doing stuff in the past doesnt alter this present, it just creates another one. This way, they send group of soldiers (who are from all over europe, which explains wide range of different weapons) to the time somewhere around 1100. But the people in the past won't give up that easly. So, the gamemode would be like small group of soldiers against huge amount of knights. I haven't really thought of balancing and that stuff, as I'm not developing anything here, only giving ideas. Soldiers +Mid and far range weapons better. +More cool. +Advanced technology of the present shows teammates, and enemies when they spot one. +Metal armor isn't bulletproof, so bullets just go through them. +Want to play awesome? Did you run out of ammo? Pick up an enemy weapon, they are less powerful and take longer to reaload on your hands than theirs, but it's something to use if there is no other choise -Less/no recource points. -Maps are against soldiers. (which means that knights can attack from many directions and other advantages for them) -Knife is low/no use against enemies, as knights tend to wear metal on themselves. -Bulletproof vest doesn't mean arrows can't kill you, shot at face instakills. -Arrow to leg drops your speed by 50%, another shot to the other leg forces you to crawl/not be able to move at all. (until medic heals you) -Shot to hand means no two handed weapons, as in only pistols and knives. (until medic heals you) -Time machines can't bring much equipment with you, so you are fucked if there is no ammo supplier and medic. -Big stuff don't fit into time machines, so no tanks or warheads for you. Knights +Swords and other melee weapons fucking kill. +As in the past, the power of your weapon depended on your strenght, knights kill present day soldiers pretty easy at close range. +As a knight you care about honor and that other stuff, so fuck that little bullet that doesn't let you breathe anymore. It will kill you, but it doesn't mean that you can't spend the last seconds of your life cutting the throat of that bastard. +Many recource points +The terrain is your homeland. Whichs means many spawnpoints around the enemy to choose from. +Catapults and other big stuff of the past. -Bullets go through your armor easy. Attack before the enemy does. -Bows and melee weapons do little/no damage to soldier's torso, as they have bulletproof vests, so aim for the arms, legs or the head. -Even when picking up an enemy gun would be possible, you can't, as you don't know how to use it, and you even might be afraid of those things. I myself would love to try/play this kind of gamemode, just think of you holded up at stonehenge and knights coming from every direction, lots of those ships from those days surrounging an aircraft carrier (even when I did say they cant bring big stuff thro the time machine), or even the knights stealing timemachines and attacking our world? Thanks for reading, I don't feel that nasty thing on my shoulders anymore. EDIT: Classes! Soldiers Medic: Heals the team. Primary weapon would be somewhat weak. Can't heal himself Support: Supplies the team with ammo. His primary weapon would also suck. Can't supply himself. Assault: The guy who actually does all the work. Always low on ammo so assaultrush = no good. Moar maybe? Knights Normal: Equipped with sword, shield and crossbow and/or bow (chooseable?). Deadly at close range. Commander/King: Same as normal, but can call some sort of backup, like in BF2. (Trebuchets, arrowrains, etc) Moar maybe?
  14. Yeah, watching more videos just increases the pain. At first I was like meh at the video, but after the video showed america being attacked, I came something more that just rainbows.
  15. Thread to discuss this upcoming, movie-ish and epic game. For myself, I was first just gonna dl it from piratebay, but after seeing this recent video.. I'm so gonna buy it legal. Here, have the trailer that made me have this feeling over my shoulders: Want to make it even more epic? Think the whole game is about Green Earth.
  16. EmRA


    I could do that. But compiling takes ages. (it's the reason why I didn't continue it) I mean just removing the helicopter scene.
  17. EmRA


    Haven't really played ZPS, so I have no idea what that map is like. Looks nice tho, always loving maps with new textures (if they are good that is). I hope this isn't much to ask, but could you relase poseable version of the lighthouse map? (as in, version that doesn't black out after 20 minutes)
  18. EmRA

    L4D2 new changes

    Quit your whining. damn right. Can't see the video tho, could someone provide a link? EDIT: nvm now I see it.
  19. Why so? I'm just lazy. Okay. Well, then, you kinda failed. Why so? I'm ju- wait. No you!
  20. Rick Astley. Fuckin saw that coming. Lold at the camper part. "no one likes campers"
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