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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. That, my good sir, is the prodably one of the dumbest thing I've ever heard. When I see people rage about religion, it's always the goddamn atheists. Also, I find it dumb to say bible was just made for money. They did not have evolution theories and that stuff back then, that was their explanation for creation of world. Or do you think evolution theory was made for money too? Or maybe, it was just healty curiosity? EDIT: oh jesus, more: God just is there. Just like superman has cool powers. Maybe he thinks its fun. I enjoy killing people on my computer screen, why wouldn't he? If I could create worlds and make them have wars, I would look at them with curiosity, and I wouldn't interrupt them. And yes, I did choose my religion myself. Mom and stepdad are both atheists.
  3. Oh jesus with you atheists. I belive in God and Jesus, plus science. Why? God is simple explanation for everything and it doesn't fuck with my brain. Jesus is just badass. More badass than Chuck Norris. Science is fun. Knowing little facts about life is fun. Also, I have never, EVER heard anyone say "because bible says so". I don't belive everything bible says, it's much like Donald Duck comics, stories about cool stuff that happened, but not necessarily real. Why hasn't god came and save us? Why the fuck should he? If I would have created the universe and see my creations fight with their creations, I would call my friends to watch it with me and get some snacks. Besides, one of the most popular things bible says is "God gave man free will", why would he take it away? Oh and, please tell me where it says in bible we are the only creatures in the universe. I too do belive in life in outer space. EDIT: Nobana, what kind of sick man would send babies to fight? would straigtly belive god created world in seven days? I take it that the seven days is the time of earth's evolution, but because God is supercool, it was just seven day's work for him. Now he is lolling at our silly oilwars while eating popcorn. EDIT2: Oh cool, it seems I am the only christian around here. So THATS the real reason I'm creative. Thanks Jesus, many thanks.
  4. I'm not telling mine, as it's my own bussiness what shit I have on my head. But my non-perverted fantasy is getting tactical nuke in mw2.
  5. It's fun to get feedback on your stuff, yet no one has commented pics I posted at 30 November, which happens to be in the GAMES SECTION. Fun, if you ask me, is not pointless spam, but some new ideas, or old good ones (such as Green Earth, it was fuckloads of fun while it lasted, and exiting at the same time. And prodably increased posing skills for people who don't pose that much in gmod) Also, as creative person's advice: Spam doesn't increase creativity.
  6. ctf_turbine and cp_badlands pretty much only maps that have sneaking possibilities for non-spy class.
  7. You mean Gentlemen Heaven?
  8. I know what you mean, I still remember when my dad went to msn. I missed this tho, I got no attention from your stepdad
  9. EmRA

    Dan The Man!

  10. Spam? People are inactive as hell in here! And when they are active, they just go to quickies/saferoom. Where is the feedback in artists corner?
  11. There also should be limit for Axons in the servers. Also, I don't like sniper class because they shoot me and make me mad. Plus I think also that medics are way too op, take them off too. Oh, killing engineers requires teamwork in a game that is based on teamwork, it shall not be allowed! WHAT THE FUCK, that one class has a minigun when the other one just has revolver! Take them both off! Rpg = noobtube, nonono. Skinny people don't fit in video games, they remind me too much of myself. OMG THAT GUY IS JUST RUNNING AND PRESSING MOUSE 1 AND THAT MEANS HE IS NOOB EVEN WHEN IM JUST LIKE DOING THE SAME EXPECT IM MORE FAR AWAY. There are countless not fun servers out there, go play at those. I like when there is possibilty to do classrush.
  12. So, today I decided to play Modern Warfare 2 again, but, after I tried to launch steam: Oh okay, I can just reinstall and ejoy my game. But, steam install is being bitch too: I NEED SOME DOGGON HELP
  13. I have some in my own art topic, but they are all pretty old. And I'm too lazy to do new ones. About DA, I have been thinking of making account there, but I don't know anyone I know having account there, and being alone just submitting drawings would be sorta pointless.
  14. So, me and Redgord decided to settle our rivarly by drawing stuff (with few other people later on) NOTE: None of us have/used tablets, don't ask. MORE IMPORTARNT NOTE: SOME OF THE FOLLOWING PICTURES MAY NOT BE SUITABLE TO WATCH FOR YOUNGUNS AND WHEN YOUR WHOLE FAMILY IS WATCHING YOU BEING AT THE COMPUTER. PLEASE WAIT UNTIL THEY LEAVE THE ROOM. Redgord and I were drawing stuff and suddenly he went afk or something, so I drew this alone It's about rednecks rebelling cuz US was tighting weapon laws. Randomness. I drew Louis and Bill on the left, Redgord made the rest. In the following pictures, you can see who drew what with this: EmRA - Blue Redgord - Red (obviously) Hundred2 - Green Chickennugget1 - Black We can make porn we. Some post-apoc guys enjoying camp fire. We decided to take turns. I don't remember what we called this guy, but he has his own themesong. Mr.Whateverisontheirhead Feel free to post stuff you made with your friends. Also, if you want to join us, just ask me/gord on steam.
  15. Christ, soon I will be begging for game developers to go back to the bushfences of Normandia. What the fuck happened to originality?
  16. Thats why you need to make me one. As for eaterwife, edit that stuff in the first post.
  17. You should be more describle when you post your maps. What is this map about? Where does it take place? And so on. Also give some screenshots.
  18. [offtopic] Its impossible to draw all forces out of Iraq if trying to get peace. And they need more troops there to succeed with their new plan, which is to protect civilians and win their confidence. Becoss the side that gets civilians on their side, wins the whole thing. So Obama's doing nothing wrong. [/offtopic] [offtopic] Boredom is an emotional state experienced during periods lacking activity or when individuals are uninterested in the opportunities surrounding them. The first record of the word boredom is in the novel Bleak House by Charles Dickens, written in 1852, in which it appears six times, although the expression to be a bore had been used in the sense of "to be tiresome or dull" since 1768. And besides, it's people across the fucking sea, care about your own country. [/offtopic] So please, if you start putting list of stuff no one really cares about/is obvious, contribute to the thread at the same time. Clavus should make 24 player server for l4d2.
  19. (sadly, you are right) EmRA's poses are fucking awesome.
  20. You slutty little whores, start posing. "I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith drove his car off a cliff, broke both his legs? Hey it's not a funny ha-ha story, so much as it's a make you think story. For instance, windshields look pretty durable, right? Yeah, not the case according to Keith. Son of a bitch flew right through that sucker." Child soldiers? In my gmod? "I ever tell you about that time me and my friend Keith went to the shooting range? Well, he took two of those cowboy rifles and-" Badass gangsters shooting helpless people on the street! AKA EmRA plays too much Modern Warfare 2!
  21. I support the underwater settlement idea, sounds interesting. Or settlement building in general.
  22. FPS gamemode without shooting, sounds interesting.
  23. Bollocks. What about gamemode thats based on after IW?
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