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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. EmRdred2
  2. I don't own credit card, and mom doesn't like internet. As in, I have to buy from the trustful, expensive ass steam <
  3. Zips or it didn't happen.
  4. It's called fake. And fake, sadly means not real. It however would be cool for the first few days or so. But after that, no.
  5. Why so? I'm just lazy.
  6. Post your Xbox live gamertags so we can play even when not on computer. Mine is DucksEatStuff. Just bought 12months live as halo ODST came out, can't wait to play it
  7. Cool. No wait, awesome. No wait, cool. I wish we could sell stuff.
  8. I made clavus look a bit more like he owns this place. Also same headset. Same pic as in the introducing thread:
  9. Yeah, cornershot is awesome And fuck you guys on the last page.
  10. I wish I was admin.
  11. How could I forget that. Seriously. How. And yet scar is a wound, and at the same time a rifle. I've seen it called both Bison and Bizon but oh well. And guys, please stick with the guns, this isn't "You favorite thing that kills shit up" thread.
  12. We all like guns. But not all of them. Which one is your current favorite? Feel free to post more than one gun. My current favorites: Bizon (or Bison, not sure) Makarov UMP45 and MP5SD
  13. Seriously guys. None of you are going to survive zombie outbreak like that, you're all the same person with a different hairstyle! Be more original, like me! (see page 6. or 5. or 7. or.. 5?)
  14. San Andreas - n Andreas + critical - itical + scifi - sc + caliber - iber
  16. wait.. AXON YOU NEVER JOIN MY TEAM ;<<< Axon always changes teams when I join the team he is on. I try to join Axon as much as possible. He doesn't mind it most of the time. I think. Axon in team = Winning team. im not saying axon is bad player or so.. but if evry community member are joining his team.. you can see the results , unless you think evry noob who joins the server knows teamwork ( HAH ) and can play his class.... yeah I'm not a noob, you are. I got axon (before he changes teams and until I change too), you don't. This thread should go into tutorials section, as this is obviously becoming "strategies against axon" thread.
  17. wait.. AXON YOU NEVER JOIN MY TEAM ;<<< Axon always changes teams when I join the team he is on.
  18. But we are used to that. Valve never has done this before. I loved Valve because they didn't milk out series like EA is doing with Need for Speed, Fifa, The Sims and many more. And small updates to cover their problems with the L4D1 community just isn't good enough. If they'd sell L4D2 as DLC/expansion for 10 euros in stead of 50, I wouldn't complain (that much). You could have just told me you are bum in the first place
  19. I hope this won't fuck up like the last one. What does that INTERACTIVE mean? It means that you decide the actions of the main character. EXAMPLE /EXAMPLE The characters actions are decided by the idea that the users like the most, or in case of a tie by EmRA himself. Story It has been one year since the conflict that cost 98% of Chinarobb's population, and thousands of other soldier and civilian casualities. Green Earth has been rarely peaceful after that, until now.. Shoutbox Island's communications have mysteriously been cut off. Rumors have been that something inhuman is moving in there. Others say it's failed military experiment, others say that it's pies coming to revenge for what we have done to their kind. Whatever it is, it is not happy. You are pvt. Joseph De Hundr
  20. Oh, now they're crying, they shouldn't be working on L4D2 yet in the first place! Gtfo sir, L4D2 is awesome. It might be awesome, but it's unfair if you have bought L4D1, with the (now false) promises in mind that it would be updated like TF2 with new content. I mean, look at the release times between HL1 and HL2, CS 1.6 and CSS, TFC and TF2 and finally L4D1 and L4D2.. o_O What about the relase dates between Call of Duty series? there is new one every year! And what do you mean "false promises"? You got survival gamemode and the upcoming crash course campaing. They can't feed their families by making free stuff for us.
  21. Oh, now they're crying, they shouldn't be working on L4D2 yet in the first place! Gtfo sir, L4D2 is awesome.
  22. Don't worry sir, we've heard reports of the army of Hundrance2 coming in few hours!
  23. Subject: Shoutbox Island Status: Overrun However, I, Sgt.Power of the Shoutbox Island Security (SIS) will keep low profile down here in Outpost 7 until the military/militaries arrive/s. We are crew of 4 down here, well 3, as Pvt.Shoutbuck went to search for supplies yesterday, and hasn't came back yet. All we can do is hope that the backup is quick enough. Also where did my post on the last topic go?
  24. New stuff and no one had posted this so I can shout FIRST POST! Anyhow:
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