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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. That animefa- I mean that kind sir who likes anime. Also his avatar has that girl from that game that my brother plays all the time. "HEY I BEETS U IN TEHZ NEXT WEEKZ" "NEXT WEEKZ?" Whatever it's name is.
  2. EmRA

    Fallout 3

    Huge bumb is huge. Just cleared the game (all the dlcs too) few days back, I'm thinking of starting the game all over again but spice it a bit with mods C:
  3. I once captured the last CP in the last seconds of the round. alone. I felt pretty proud of myself. Also, tried arena for the first time yesterday, killed most of the enemy team '0' Didn't get any hats tho :C I want hats.
  4. Oh cool it's the old music video I lol'd at few years back. Not that funny anymore. ..No voltage between the lady's legs?
  5. I really liked this, too bad I still haven't got one single hat :C Valve should make shop to TF2 where you could buy hats and other items with flare guns and natachas (or whats the heavy's gun's name) Now, we just have to wait till engineer update and it's mountable turrets..
  6. You sir just made my day. Good quality too. Pure lulz, not a slight bit of radiation in it.
  7. you can't even run a clan right! c'mon let's stone this guy! D:< *starts throwing stones at chain* But yeah, good luck
  8. Mine: [mp3] [/mp3]This used to be my unlife song, but now that there isn't one.. :C [mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqzBo1iTJEA[/mp3]
  9. Now we just need l4d-ish pictures of all the aviable playermodels on green to show up next to the health and it's perfect.
  10. Says the guy whos beg for attention Hey, It's something to do on the forums, isn't it? Well I did need new arch nemesis after ZSP was gone.
  11. Ffs guys, don't post if you have hangover. Also nipah, no I'm not interested about your version of the story As for people's Joe fetish, our hero is called EmRA Joe "titty" Chucker from now on. Take example of these guys: http://forums.explosm.net/showthread.php?t=5296
  12. I wanted to make IS about green, and who else would fit as main character better than me? I mean, I have donated, I'm active, still, like said in the first post, I am starting to lose my intrest (not to any church to, zs)
  13. Please note that this is not related to the "Green Earth" topic, and is completely different story with different characters and so on. You play as EmRA "titty" Chucker, young person in the Left4Green world, starting to lose his faith in the holy church of Mr.Green. Thats the start, the rest is up to you. So, how this works? (if you don't know) EmRA's actions are decided by you guys, by posting your suggestion on what EmRA should do next. From those posts I decide the one I like most, and pose next picture here, where you decide again what to do. You can do pretty much anything, as long as it's EmRA who does it, even if you are in the story, you can only decide EmRA's actions. (just like in any other game) Plus, you have almost unlimited inventory (use common sense on what you can/can't pick up), where you can put stuff you can see in the picture, such as weapons, medkits and other useful items. Yeah, I think you guys got the idea, lost let's get started: You wake up in a room, you don't remember what this place is, not to worry tho, as the from the mess it looks like your room. It's up to you now, feel free to pick up objects to inventory and/or do something.
  14. LAME. Also fuck you robo, I hate you :-( Botel, you never learn, it's EmRA, not EmRa Hope next competition has better topic for it D:
  15. What the fuck do you mean, "loosely"? The whole point of the picture is "admin"! D:< Even tho it can be anything "loosely" related to admins too I think.
  16. All sorts of exiting things just waiting for it's taker in the post apocalyptic waters.
  17. EmRA is in the game! And isntead of doing some lameass pic explaining how admins day go, I made serious (as serious as you can get with this topic) picture: Poor EmRA was ambushed by zombies and CowChucker did what any real admin would have done: Sit by him and keep him company until he would go to his house in heaven.
  18. Haha nice Must have taken forever :| Yeah.. Forever..
  19. Myself, after hearing more of this update and such, am starting to get intrested to give it a shot. But I do agree with cat on that some players will prodably quit, as this is huge change to the gamemode.. Looking forward to it (especially the rounds with fagnum)
  20. Inspiration just raped my brain. I'll see what I can do about it..
  21. Too lame topic for it + still pissed off to the fact I worked my brain and ass off on the last one for nothing + Idea I have requires too much work + I'm at dad's house so no epic models here anyway.
  22. Three entries, the exact same amount as last time. Why not just pussy out from this one too? Some suggestions that just might work: Movies (can be cut down to genres?) Combat (genres?) Comics (genres?) Games (genres?) Future *Name of the event happened in past here* (for example WWI, first man on the moon, or just widely past) You/Your day Daily stuff (breakfast etc.) Food Final Boss Stuff going on on present world (conflicts, politics, cowchucker's everyday life and so on) Hobbies (drawin and shit) Childhood Games (kinda like the Games one, but with purpose of making something about a game that was one of your favorites as child) EDIT: last stand C'mon guys, making widely open and fun competition isnt really that hard.
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