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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Corby

  1. Corby

    Ban This Loser

    He has some nice FULLBRIGHT. Is that allowed Awesomeo? The post's been edited, the screen shot I've seen isn't full bright. Although it's fishy it's not enough in my eyes. Notice the melon is black as opposed to everything else, that's a stage of toggling full bright.
  2. Clavus always says that your own account is your own responsibility, it doesn't matter if your account was 'hacked' it's not our problem.
  3. Me and Awesomeo will work on building a obstacle course over the next week, I do have some epic ideas!
  4. I am killing to get a jump event going, I honestly think we could have one really soon infact, I have some awesome ideas for it.
  5. I've been getting quite a few false hack reports from it, assumed something was buggy / inaccurate about it.
  6. Who were you invited to?
  7. I assume you plan to make it peaceful? In which case I suggest to co-ordinate everyone to be online at the start of the map, even invite people who can spare 20 minutes or so. Make the faction peaceful, claim a shit load of land, let everyone leave who wants to, don't worry about land claim/power decay, doesn't matter, however you won't be able to change the land claim after.
  8. Kinda sucks I'll be at work and miss all except Ubisoft's presentation...
  9. Unbanned.
  10. whats your ingame name
  11. 1. Christmas Day of last year 2. Cant Remember 3. I dont know the faction name 4. i dont have a screen shots 2) - Try 3) - Remember better 4) - Take one
  12. What was the date of the ban, the people in your faction, your faction name and post a screenshot of what it looks like when you login to our server.
  13. This isn't very clear proof however potion stacking is NOT allowed as it comes from a mod that gives you an advantage over others.
  14. Corby

    plz unban me

    Don't make multiple unban topics also, it won't help. As said before, your ban sticks.
  15. You'll be unbanned later, I cant get online at the moment but as soon as I'm home I'll sort it, unless Darkstar/Clavus beat me to it.
  16. The video was definitely proof enough for me, your ban sticks.
  17. xray bans are permanent, sorry. Please buy a new account if you wish to play again.
  18. Because voting for your own faction is cool... Anyway, I genuinely fear no faction, probably because I've met no faction up to the challenge of Rangers to be honest.
  19. Unless it gets leeched out by some fag that shouldn't be trusted in the underground forum. Which always happens eventually.
  20. Interesting derailed thread that had some potential before I believe. If Clavus told me how I'd add some teleporters in. Maybe a second admin is required now. Although I still haven't had many problems maintaining the server still.
  21. There is a way to do this yes. Two ways in actual fact, you won't find either of them in public however, they are only available to underground hacking communities. The first method is hijacking someone's name by spoofing the server. This was seriously easy to do back in the old days of minecraft however it requires a lot more now to do so. The second is by using session ID's to seize the logged in minecraft account. It resets once the person logs out however. But the true owner on the account will be kicked once the hijacker takes over and won't be able to log in until they exit their account. Again, you can try looking for something similar but they're isn't a public version available, for either. Obviously we don't support anything like this here though.
  22. *sigh* This is getting really fucking annoying now.
  23. It was more of a general rant on people claiming stuff as there own, that happened to be an example.
  24. This is something that does happen a lot now and is quite a shame. In the past year I've really got into DJ'ing and before that I produced/remixed music also which I still do presently too. Here's what you shouldn't do: Oh you made that did you? Because Shazam says that Marcel Woods made it... Now I know it says 'mix' however what defines this as a mix? I hear some sounds at the start, they fade out and then that song comes on for the whole time. That's called 2 songs followed after each other on iTunes my friend.
  25. This guy totally is claiming my faction name! ^ Corby - Rangers (I guess I can do it though... lol)
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