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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Corby

  1. What is the reason it says when you login? When roughly were you banned also?
  2. Corby

    Ban Appeal

    Unbanning you now.
  3. No, as stated xray bans are permanent. If you really want to play buy/get a new MC account.
  4. Had to watch this a few times over, but yeh, he's looking in a different direction and not attacking when you get hit. Banned.
  5. They are, at least they are when I ban people for hacking. I assume this will also be a permanent ban.
  6. Corby


    Bukkits plugin for 1.3.1 is still not a sufficiently stable build so if it's not on today, don't expect it to be until bukkit is ready
  7. Hey. I've been playing Gmod & TF2 for around 4 years. Still dominates my gmod hours of roughly 300 haha and my css of 300
  8. 1500 hours? I know we're on a gaming forum, but that's over 60 solid days on a single game. That's worse than me on CoD
  9. You claim your not insulting the staff and pointing out faults but that's just not true. The system caught you and now your mad and trying to swing it another way. Deal with your ban, our minds will never change and I personally will gladly say goodbye to any cheaters. So, goodbye.
  10. Quite a negative topic for this kinda forum isn't it? Your all young and don't need to worry about pondering on this kind of stuff.
  11. Corby


    Good luck, but like Awesomeo said, your applications have just been dishonest in the past, I believe in second chances and occasionally third under special circumstances, but you just seem to enjoy lying and copy and pasting your past application, I see no reason for you to continue on this path? Never the less, good luck then. Any need to insult the Canadians too?
  12. Happy Birthday Mayco, have a good one
  13. this ^ Bumping it won't help also by the way as unban topics don't appear in the recent topic feed.
  14. Seeing as Clavus has replied that means he has checked out the evidence and it is certain. There wasn't a fault or glitch, you were correctly banned. We don't need to explain the methods of which Clavus' plugin bans people but all you do need to know is that it was correct for you in this instance. Your only means are to buy a new account to play again, sorry.
  15. Not to be rude, but every suggestion in this thread is just simply, no. Not in a long long time.
  16. Corby

    New video card.

    Your input is stupid, not funny and irrelevant. Please go educate on forum communities and come back if you still like it after understanding.
  17. Corby

    Day Z

  18. Corby

    Day Z

    I'll download that in preparation for the day I get it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Corby


      ive heard very good things! me and awesomeo were planning on playing it together quite a bit

    3. awesomeo_5000


      I have a 2.5" HD i'm going to try and retrofit. But it is THE most unreliable HD in the world. I think I've lost my data about 5 times...

    4. awesomeo_5000


      Windows is now installing.

  20. Just realised you intend to call this the rebirth of ProdiGuild? Not gonna join, I hate that name.
  21. You guys really shouldn't send a alt account to take the rap for it all, it's just silly.
  22. Don't act like a douche and say stuff like that again or I will ban you.
  23. This looks hella fucking fun, and perfect seeing as me and awesomeo were about to have a gaming night tonight? Anyone fancy teaming up with us?
  24. Corby

    Day Z

    Someone buy me the operation game shiz ^^
  25. So I suppose everyone should rage about Map Uploads being in recent topics just like they did Bans?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FishWithAHat


      The only problem i have is when they answer if the maps will be up loaded they to it to 8 topics at the same time

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I'm okay with it. Don't find anything annoying about it.

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