If you talking 'bout the stacked potions, I've had a ban request (bottem of the page) running on those. I looted them off Sacrevy and apperently he got them from the faction 'Looters' who duped the shit out of them. I think I'm in my right to use them, since I didn't dupe them in the game and everybody is running around with them since they got massively duped. I'm probably the only one that didn't used them since I had exams Come ingame and drop them to me, if they don't stack your banned. And NO you are never in your fucking right to use hackers left overs. I've said this a million times! IF YOU THINK SOMEONE IS HACKING BECAUSE THEY DROP LOTS OF LOOT/ITEMS/STACKED STUFF THAT ISN'T NORMAL, DONT USE IT FOR YOURSELF, IT WILL ONLY ENDANGER YOUR ACCOUNT. Come on kids, use your common sense.