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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Corby

  1. Oh hey Monday Mix number 2
  2. Banned, until they make a unban request. Just so they get the picture.
  3. Banned, until they make a unban request. Just so they get the picture.
  4. Banned, until they make a unban request. Just so they get the picture.
  5. You meant it light heartedly, I understand, but let's just encourage anything at all, there are a lot of MC trolls who would love to jump on this. Discussion can be locked.
  6. Corby

    Day Z

    This game sounds hillarious, I want in.
  7. Emphasis on the very, like said above. The only real option you have is to find/buy a new minecraft account. Sorry.
  8. Not banned seeing as I didn't realise you can pick up stacks if they're already stacks. Back on topic now kids. But let that be a message to all of you.
  9. If you talking 'bout the stacked potions, I've had a ban request (bottem of the page) running on those. I looted them off Sacrevy and apperently he got them from the faction 'Looters' who duped the shit out of them. I think I'm in my right to use them, since I didn't dupe them in the game and everybody is running around with them since they got massively duped. I'm probably the only one that didn't used them since I had exams Come ingame and drop them to me, if they don't stack your banned. And NO you are never in your fucking right to use hackers left overs. I've said this a million times! IF YOU THINK SOMEONE IS HACKING BECAUSE THEY DROP LOTS OF LOOT/ITEMS/STACKED STUFF THAT ISN'T NORMAL, DONT USE IT FOR YOURSELF, IT WILL ONLY ENDANGER YOUR ACCOUNT. Come on kids, use your common sense.
  10. This is the biggest facepalm I've seen since Zombitch posted himself hacking. Disappointed.
  11. Unfortunately xray bans are permanent. You'll have to find a new account if you wish to play again.
  12. Yeh I saw this a while back and is something I think we should really push to do.
  13. I'll also help out with the GC soon too. Also on the new map, I'll provide some incentive for bumping the topic, because I really want to get that topic rolling!
  14. That's why if you find a way, we reward it, so we can patch it.
  15. Quoted this to the thread. Shameless bumping n' all.
  16. All of this starts as of today, use your common sense.
  17. So it totally happened?
  18. Lol @ Google is currently reading this topic. But google+ is not cool.
  19. nope as you can see the time i get on nl is the same time i would be on now i couldnt video it yesterday because i coudnt be on the computer yesterday or i would have;P why is minecraft in your recent downloads folder, why does the date say you modified it last today, so you did just redownload it (to wipe your xray or client id guess) no unban from me, will leave for clavus to decide
  20. oh look at that, you had to redownload minecraft today just before you made that video, epic job on hiding your client bro
  21. So apart from when I'm gaming, snowboarding or being flooded by university bullshit. I also DJ with my good friend. Check it on reddit (Leave us a comment, question or bump up if your real lovely): http://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/v474p/afro_chicken_bouncy_moombahhousedubstep_music_dj/ Observe our facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NCorbyMusic Poke our soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/ncorby Check our latest mix: Also, feel free to ask me anything on here too!
  22. Fixed, wait until map reset though for the economy to stablize, sorry.
  23. Corby


    Not our problem if we've unbanned you. Screenshot your name logged into minecraft.net or something.
  24. If you were banned for hacking then your account will have accessed the server before. Unfortunately if it wasn't you, then your account was used by someone else. We don't take responsibility for your account, you do, therefore we will not unban it, sorry You will have to find another account to play on if you wish to.
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