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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Corby

  1. but it won't matter once the server is gone. Yeh he seems to love ignoring admins and just decides to argue with us at any opportunity. Oh well, he'll be banned again soon I'm sure.
  2. Don't remember swearing, if I did, it's unlike me I apologise, then again, internet dude, deal with it. You were muted because you were simply annoying. Kicked exactly like I said, banned exactly like I said. Deal with it kid.
  3. I did change the map in the end, because I didn't feel like handing out longer bans to you and your other friend. Consider yourself lucky.
  4. Cool, firstly that map isn't even on the rotation as far as I know, no idea which admin put it on. It's not on it for a reason. But I thought hey, let's play it anyway. You chose a game mode where everyone just died and lost points (made no sense), so I told you not too, you repeatedly chose it, which angered others who then left. Told you not too, you still did, kicked you, you rejoined, gave you another warning, and another, then gave you a 5 minute ban. Nothing wrong with that. off-topic: why is this a ban request? I lol'd
  5. He shall be temp banned.
  6. i reported you for being a faggot

  7. He wants to think that he is the most feared. Yet no faction has anything on the old school Mungols, nor the old school Rangers.
  8. It's just not professional to use a (possibly) unreliable host that we couldn't control.
  9. This ^ What does it say when you try to join the server
  10. As much as I enjoy your enthusiasm I don't think it'll happen (definitely not the part you hosting it), but I agree that CSS was one of the more fun servers here indeed.
  11. You've had your reply from Clavus examining the data, case closed, your banned on that account. Buy a new one if you want to play again.
  12. Do you know any admins who were online at the time, you also wouldn't be admin banned without a good reason. Wait for Whimplash to check here or Awesomeo.
  13. Fascinating thread, read the whole conversation that Tank posted too. Fairly odd that this has swept under TC's radar too. Tank - You don't have too much to worry about, admin applications are never accepted on a 2 line basis of introduction. He's not helped his situation by arguing back either and I doubt this will progress anywhere at all. In hypothetical terms, say he was appointed admin (bizarre as it may be), if he acted the way you've described he wouldn't last more than days, a week tops. All things aside, I understand your trying to do well by warning us, so I say thank you (for the initial first post; The following ones were fairly irrelevant and brought my opinion down of you). God - Best of luck to you (whoever you may be) however the way you've dealt with your thread wasn't the best, I'd advise against being drawn into any arguments and making sly insults. Keep it clean from now on kids, please.
  14. this ^
  15. Funding is even more screwed when doing other countries uni's now.
  16. Sure I'll do it later though, I'm out at the moment, unless whimplash is online (most likely), he can do it.
  17. Nope, it's permanent, there aren't exceptions for this, sorry.
  18. I've edited the post with the good format and a better explaination Still nope. Buy a new MC account if you wish to play, you can still unlink your old banned account and relink it with a new one. The 3k you spent is lost unfortunately.
  19. Buying green coins does not excuse what you did, you've lost your green coins and the use of that account on the server. Buy a new MC account if you wish to play.
  20. I think it was "banned by operator" at least thats what he said to me I'd prefer if he answered for himself, but if it is that case then he's likely banned for a good reason.
  21. Using my bigger screen attached to my laptop at uni as the native screen.
  22. So much illiterate confusion here it's hard to make sense of what is being argued properly. However I can tell you peaceful factions do work correctly, you simply mistrusted someone.
  23. Corby

    unban me plz

    This ^ Try now. If that doesn't work, what's your real ban reason
  24. Corby

    unban me plz

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