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Mr. Green Gaming


Server Admins
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Everything posted by Haxardous

  1. It'll be nice to have a modded server
  2. can't wait to spam clicks with my fast zombie
  3. viva zs
  4. Yeah, go ahead, play as the oppressed one in this too (Patya), I think even after this you still refuse to admit that the problem is all about your taste and not because of anyone else, not @hulpje or gromghost (SandySweet), you're the one who started turning hulpje as your "enemy" because of the MTA Race maps which he made and pretty much anyone else who made a map which do not match your personal taste. Pictures speaks aren't they? you've done it not once, but a for thousand time and you still play as the oppressed one, am just a staff who's doing his role, I don't have anything on you and trying to stop you from provoking the rest of the players, I don't dislike you, but your behavior (and your map related comments) makes others have a negative attitude towards you, I personally don't like some maps, we share the same opinion and taste among some maps but I won't attack personally anyone because of that. We just ask you to be respectful with your fellow community players and stop commenting negatively about what they make.
  5. looks dope, can't wait to try it out!
  6. Doubling the timing won't make any difference tbh
  7. [SKC]Haxardous
  8. I rarely played modpacks tbh, but it’s yes for me (I’ll play) — been watching FTB gameplays since years but never tried it (maybe downloaded the modpack and quit after 5 minutes) so yes.
  9. + (do you know how to deal with scripts?)
  10. Haxardous98 - Added
  11. good luck
  12. I won't stop if I started writing your goods, what a nice guy خير سلف لخير خلف
  13. IGN: [SKC]Haxardous Race: - Pirates of San Andreas - Bandito
  14. thanks
  15. Nick: Haxardous [RACE]: Pirates of Andreas [MIX]: any% shooter map
  16. unbanned, please respect the players and use the forum to report players, as it won't be tolerated next time.
  17. MoshPit has been a Map Manager who has contributed to filtering & managing in-game maps, moderating and improving overall gameplay's quality for years, knowing that Mr. Green Gaming's team are not getting paid for their contributions, they do have lives to deal with instead of playing an online game and being available for chat/in-game moderation as these can be reported by the players within the reports forum to be dealt with by the team. Staff will deal with anyone who goes against the server terms & policy, as this includes those who are frequently spreading negative feelings around the community and try to criticize everything that goes against their needs and keep doing it until a staff imposes an undesirable penalty. Player "Kash" has been permanently banned from all Mr. Green Gaming's services recently. Player "wooziee" is already unbanned. The community has the possibility to submit a footage of any player breaking the server rules to be dealt with, instead of continuously nagging and spreading a negative feel to the online players over the chat. You're claiming that MoshPit is "abusing his admin powers". I see MoshPit doing the right thing by punishing thumping voices around the community who are spreading fascinates & negative feelings.
  18. will be muted for a 3 days.
  19. Haxardous


    will be banned for a 14 days.
  20. will be marked as blocker.
  21. (if not, we'll lock & close this post after 24-48 hours)
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