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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Haxardous

  1. (if not, we'll lock & close this post after 24-48 hours)
  2. I don't even need to reply lmao
  3. good luck
  4. will be muted.
  6. YES!
  7. shitty game not worth your time...
  8. Milky way, Planet Earth, Middle east, Persian Gulf (Arab Gulf), Bahrain
  9. I enjoyed DL
  10. I don't think it'll take too long, join the Discord server and stay tuned
  11. good luck & you got my voice
  12. the reported player will be muted for 0.0008333333 centuries from all MrGreenGaming platforms, if he tried to avoid the mute by any way within any MrGreenGaming platform he will be banned for the rest of the penalty, if he continued provoking after his punishment he will be banned for 3 to 6 months or permanently. one month, solved.
  13. If this report didn't used the format in I'll lock it in 24hrs, so beware.
  14. Please reply with the translation or this report will be closed and ignored. @nevernotatall
  15. Haxardous


    we're trying hard to prevent these situations.. we might show off some solutions soon.
  16. Please translate the whole conversation.
  17. Your name wasn't "EMINEM" it was "sandro_filipy=bitches" and you've been avoiding the moderators command and you've been avoiding your punishment again and again. You'll be unbanned after a 2 weeks and you'll be muted for another 1 week after you get unbanned knowing that the punishment will be doubled if you tried to evade your ban or abusing the Discord bridge chat.
  18. I don't see anyone insulting... just /ignore them that's it
  19. two weeks without any answers.. closing this (feel free to contact me in direct messages)
  20. the player Flippy will be muted for a day. and banned for 3 days.
  21. will be muted for a day and banned for 3 days.
  22. I mean is he the same person as "Panzer"?
  23. who is helloCREEP
  24. will be muted for 24 hours & will be getting a serious punishment next time, closed.
  25. can you please reply with your serial because i can't find your name as banned (you can DM me if you mind sharing it in public)
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