Well, what can i say except thank you for holding and managing this community all this time. Nothing is infinite and being an owner is a hard time like being a president, many responsibilities and much work to do to handle the community, so you deserve a break. Altho i was mostly in the shadow and wasn't so active cuz i had some big brakes in mta cuz of the exams and other school stuff, but i can say you and Ywa did the job well and managed to build a good and friendly community. I can say that so far mrgreen is one of my favourite servers, i won't even compare it with ffs and 3r. Yes i used to play on them but when i found out about mrgreen,not much time passed and i dropped those servers. The best thing i found about this server was the community wich wasn't so toxic (atleast for me, i didn't have troubles with community hh), and good and helpful admins wich helped out when you needed some help, and all this was the result of you and all the managers. Saldy i didnt discover mrgreen earlier when the comunitty was bigger but well, that's my fault i was blind.
I wish you best of luck in your future life and i wish Afu good luck with managing the community from now on. Hope well meet again in future,if not on mrgreen then in another games, this time i won't be blind like i was in Cit hehe...