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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Griffon

  1. Hmm you would expect her to have a different reaction aye?

    She would be more like: "Onii-chan, shhhh, lets keep it this way...."

    On another note, started to watch Busou Shinki, watched the first 3 episodes and I have to ask: Will it stay like this? I mean it is so boring :(, will it get interesting?

    It will stay like that.

  2. -snip-

    And then at the end, I CAN SENSE MAMA!!! And kirito goes full throttle up. I look forward to the last 3 episodes.

    So you don't care about episode 22 at all?

    Evangelion marathon soon.TM

    Its a shame there aren't any stand out releases till February(index + kizumonogatari).

    EDIT: Texnolyze videos that buffer properly are really hard to find >_>

  3. About R;N: Seems like

    the girl at the end of the episode is Nae, from Steins;Gate.

    No, I didn't read this anywhere, it just looked like her.

    Confirmed by her MAL page.

    Therefore its confirmed linear/same universe/cannon.

  4. Jourmungans is only exceeded by SOA(of the autumn releases) in the level of excitement i feel before something good happens.



    What he said is true though.

    And Lehm is simply the best.

    Was kinda sad when

    R was killed though. Damn hex.

    I swap my letters allot due to the fact i think ahead to what i am saying and then type that instead of finishing the word i was saying.

    For example while typing this i typed fishing instead of finishing as i thought ahead to shing and typed it. :lol:

    Is there a condition for this or am i special?

  5. *Clicks on the forum*

    Oh god why..

    Wait are you talking about Anime Porn?

    GTFO troll


    Music on its own perfect impossibru,

    Music to perfectly fit a scene/moment/emotion possible.

    Also finished watching Monster, would recommend.

  6. So after nearing 300 completed animes am i the moe-est person here :huh: ?

    That bleach ost quite frankly meh

    Its lacking in so many ways any of GC soundracks beat it without a sweat.

    If you want true perfection in an OST look no further than madlax

    But then again; like anime music taste is subjective.

  7. Kuroko's coming back on 02/2013 it seems if that site is correct.


    I am telling you guys, once you watch to much anime, you go moe.

    And that's why I can't really see eye to eye with the vast majority of the (vocal) anime fanbase.

    Why do i imagine you wearing a top hat,monocle and twirling your curly mustache when saying that(while sitting back in a reclining leather chair).

    That's what I mean. The moment you claim your taste doesn't involve cutesy little girls doing cutesy little things you're suddenly a pretentious minority.

    While now i feel bad about making a light hearted comment all i meant personally was that your the kind of person (if we were going to compare anime to film) who would appreciate something like little miss sunshine instead of your average comedy, neither are bad but you prefer something that is technically superior in terms of content and effort.

    But now i do understand where your coming from.

  8. Kuroko's coming back on 02/2013 it seems if that site is correct.


    I am telling you guys, once you watch to much anime, you go moe.

    And that's why I can't really see eye to eye with the vast majority of the (vocal) anime fanbase.

    Why do i imagine you wearing a top hat,monocle and twirling your curly mustache when saying that(while sitting back in a reclining leather chair).

  9. I was actually waiting for saki to come out as even with ignoring the moe it still has its good bits.

    Nekomonogatari and kuze will be one to watch cause anything of the monogatari series is above standard.

    I was hoping for kuzemonogatari so i am really hyped about that. Wonder how it will fair as a movie though.


    YES! YES ! YES! (M.Bison STYLE)

    Just saw Index on February's showings. Ive been waiting a while for the 3rd specially after the lack of closure during the 2nd series + more of everyone's favorite rail-gun.Bit disappointed its a film though but im to excited to care.

    (seriously why do all animes i like start as a series then turn into a film,its not always bad but it is annoying)

  10. Ugh 4chan anime section has a evangelion ED video automatically playing, annoying :(.

    freaked me out on the first time though, thought I had a virus lol.

    Rewatching baka to test shoukanjuu currently.

    Only got halfway through that series.

    So question how many animes have you re-watched and how many times.

    Personally ive only re watched code-geass and phantom the requiem an extra time.

  11. Currently im 1/0 in my favour as he is currently enjoying psycho-pass XD

    That one was already on my list before this topic started. Just had to decide which one I wanted to start watching :P

    Just watched Sword Art Online 20. Still entertaining, but the animators couldn't resist to put some bouncing tits in there. *sigh*

    Didn't notice that, must be desensitized to it or to busy enjoying the good stuff to notice/care.

    Ever seen serial experiments Lain? Its a personal favorite of mine which may take your interest.

  12. Ive always wondered why Japanese anime is fixated on white and pink hair.

    Although i do think white hair is pretty cool. But as to the sephiroth hair idk.

    I watched the first 12 episodes of monster at 1am today and now i understand why its so highly regarded.

    Would prefer something with a faster pace but that's just me. Definitely a 8 or 9/10.

    Can i get a job as Clavus's personal anime suggestion bot?

    He is extremely picky :V

    Currently im 1/0 in my favour as he is currently enjoying psycho-pass XD

  13. Ive always wondered why Japanese anime is fixated on white and pink hair.

    Although i do think white hair is pretty cool. But as to the sephiroth hair idk.

    I watched the first 12 episodes of monster at 1am today and now i understand why its so highly regarded.

    Would prefer something with a faster pace but that's just me. Definitely a 8 or 9/10.

    Can i get a job as Clavus's personal anime suggestion bot?

  14. The characters from guilty crown are BI-Polar as fuck due to the fact that they rushed character development specially in the later part of the 'series'.

    The fact is if the first 13 episodes were one series then GC would have been fine and probably very good. But it feels after that they found out the tv studio had 9 free slots left so they completely rushed it.

    If they would have done the standard 13 or 12 episodes a series (as much as i hate conforming to standards in anime) and split the series into 2 (which it essentially already is) they would have had about an extra 40-60minutes of character development which would have easily fixed the bi-polar issue.

    My $0.02

    Edit- I did enjoy GC and its soundtrack is probably one of THE best all time anime OST

    + Thanks to GC EGOIST got a huge break into the music industry.


  15. Hmmhmm, ToraDora is from highschool till the end.

    Meanwhile, Clannad shows a whole person life/a different dimension.

    This ofcourse isn't saying much but if you think about it:

    A couple having problems with their family and don't know who to love.


    A whole life you have seen built up, how all his connections were made, how he got with his wife and then how he loses it all. ofcourse in the end he gets it all back, BUT THAT FEELING BRO WHEN HE LOST EVERYTHING! Toradora didn't make me even cry, not even sad. Clannad, sniff. /rambling

    Yes clannad is good(very very good), but as most people forget Toradora isnt just about the romance theres alot more going on than first meets the eye.

    The way Ryuuji and argues with his mother over who should provide for them. The child like ness of his mother due to her running away as a teenager. The way she pushes herself every day to care for him just because doesnt want Ryuuji to end up un-educated like she did. The fact she is over protective to the point where she drives him way even though she is smart enough to realize he is right.

    And i havent even started on Taigas familly.

    Arguing over the little things is what defines family interaction at its finest.

    Clannad is the best for pure emotions, but clannad doesnt portray reality due to its over tragic nature.

    I guess were splitting hairs though as its simply how you like your Drama i guess.

  16. Takuto star driver was good man

    As to your question about drama id say While clannad is very good its not as pure romance/drama as Toradora is.

    As for action drama it cant be anything other than Phantom the requiem.

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