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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Griffon

  1. How can you even call new Cod:MW a new game it is exactly the same.

    The Cod eqivalent of a new game is a re-packaged expantion pack, and their equivalent of Dlc has the quality of a valve update at best.

    Bf3 on the otherhand tried to follow Cod with Bad company decided "well this is shit"

    and then went back to doing what they do best which is make games that push boundries and changes up the gameplay every time.

  2. We need 3 simple classes

    Mele class

    Range class

    Support Class

    Who can specialise in 3 futher tiers each with there own tree. (inb4 someone says borderlands rip)


    Tank, Ninja(agile/blades),Beserker(strong/blunt weapons)





    each tier will have their advantages/dissadvantages, you can get point in every tree (but you wont be effective)

    I could maybe make an example tree for each if your interested.


  3. Apperantly i needed a browser plugin... but my wonder full IE explorer never gave me a message indicating that i should download anything yay for microsoft!

    Sworn firefox user now!!

    Welcome to the dark side of the force.

    LOL jk were the light side, mozilla is non profit ftw.

  4. Weapon designs are always welcome :P

    But they need to be at least as good as Necro's.

    Wont be to hard then :P

    are you going to tweak floating world maps fall damage/jump pads so we dont get crippled 24/7?


    typo in the weapon description of m1014


    "ato shotgun"


    Any chance we can get a winchester style shotgun for a 5 killstreak?

  5. Lol, it's only the first time like that.

    Continue practicing and you will be able to control your fingers like a bitch.

    I dont own a guitar like i said, but when i have to teach(or should i say supervise) my cousin i`ll give it a go.

  6. I self taught myself some things off my 9 year old cousins guitar + lesson notes.

    I can also play the intro of Smoke on the water but hey who cant right?(excluding people with no hands or disabilities).

    I can do a few tunes, but chords are where my fingers are like WTF!?

    Basic piano too but nothing technical or fancy.

  7. Suggestion: add AMBIENT music, not the "adrenaline" ones like most of the HL2. It will fit better for a war gamemode (Though it was great for IW).

    Question to Griffon: Who are you? (:V, what is your in-game nickname [<- Was curious about that for a long time already!])

    This is my ign ~ĢǺђŹĽў~Griffon

    my account name is exauroura

    just give us the password now...

    its pancak3s xD

    Shame fenrir is ddosed right now or id be playing right now

    ohh well time to watch anime

  8. Suggestion: add AMBIENT music, not the "adrenaline" ones like most of the HL2. It will fit better for a war gamemode (Though it was great for IW).

    Question to Griffon: Who are you? (:V, what is your in-game nickname [<- Was curious about that for a long time already!])

    This is my ign ~ĢǺђŹĽў~Griffon

    my account name is exauroura

  9. Well to be fair i do agree with clavus with the fact that he needs to see the bigger picture, but certain weapons need to be adressed.

    Why dont you address each weapon tree individually , i.e assault riffle tree if you compare them within a tree you can easilly see galil needs a nerf and the ak needs a buff.

    After youve balanced it by family tree then you can balance between the trees i.e smg tree and assault rifle tree.

  10. Suggestions

    Add css style voice menu,

    kockback may cause person to fly / float

    reduce ghosts when theres less than 6 players or something

    few spelling errors (cs_parkouse has one in the description)

    Fix spawns on cs_assault (i think)the so you dont spawn directly infront one behind an enemy at the start of the round

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