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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Alright, today TF2 has been updated, you might have thought "oh another fixing update" but wait, in that update, Valve fixed the Kill icons for the community weapons, but now look at this picture (This has been taken here,this french website is a non-official one but they are serious and they explain the updates and changes provided to the game each time it's been updated). After watching it carefully you can see there are 2 myterious kill icons: That sentry seems to be a kind of laser sentry (you can see the 3 normal kill icons for the current sentries, so that's obliged that's a new sentry), and a black headshot kill icon, but we can't guess a lot about it (maybe a special laser sniper? ). I wanted to share this with you guys, mystery mystery...
  2. Salut tout le monde sa va? Tranquille, je joue à ut2004, c trop bien ce jeu.Ya plein d'armes on peut tt defoncer!!! J'ai joué a age of mitology aussi, trop bien! Une fan fic?Ouais, j'en ai fait une mais c'est torp long a la fin Elle est énorme ma vidéo LOL^^ (No rage, I wasn't in any english-speaking community at this time, so I can't really help with english things.And this french was often with mistakes due to fast-typing or simple mistakes, and LOL^^s. )
  3. Mmm I thought that was Walkyrie, there is a kind of scene like that where Hitler gets angry.
  4. Ah well sorry for the bump but, this week it seems that's Darkrai who's given if you connect to the special CWF (you know, from that website), and if you haven't seen my PokéFortress vid:
  5. Nice one, but where do you find those custom models? Facepunch? (the Ghost with a sweat shirt is well done)
  6. I liked the third one Walkyrie, I guess.
  7. Hey, today...Well no, not exactly today but in 17 minutes GMT +1 that will be Ywa's birthday, so here you can wish him an happy birthday and/or give him a present (or both, maybe that's better ).Let's make this more official... Ahem...So today is the 18th year of existence on earth of one of the community's fathers, Mr Ywa (that I pornounce Eewa and not Aiwa )( I guess that 97% of you doesn't read my shitty comments, I bet you've not even seen the subtility in one of the previous words in my parenthesis) who leaded/is leading few projects for our community. My present will be...err... Well I made a little tf2 poop of 16 seconds in which you could hear EEWA IZ SPAI, but that s*cked so much that I abandonned it.So basically, yeah, I have no good present at all (I deserve to be whipped over 9000 times).I also thought about making another community project but I did not have time/I wasn't motivated/I preferred sleeping (select one of the answers).There is a thing I can do, if you want free games tell me which one and I'll see if I find my legit keys (don't ask for recent games, I mean I can only get games that are 2-3 years old or more, and you'll have to download the game, all I have are legit keys, got them from magazines). Even with my little crazy random spam on the IRC that caused my kick, and propably unforeseen consequences, I wish you a big happy burzday(lucky you, you can drink and go to night clubs). no I won't give you legit keez for pornz, dream my little.
  8. Are you using a derivated from the Source Engine to do this? Good luck, it will take a long time, you should recruit some other people for graphics/other stuff cause it's quite a big work for 2 persons. I hope it will succeed
  9. I think I'll buy it during my pre-holidays before exams, or after the the exams.Which means between 2 weeks- a month.(I wanted it for this week end but I prefered shutting up because I got bad marks I didn't tell my father and if he discovers this I'm in the kaka ).
  10. FUCK THE EUROPEAN UNION! Danni, quit your trollin' Youre almost as bad as Redgord Rofl mongl.
  11. Stop flameraging guys.We are meant to be an "european" community, so what's all this rage about?
  12. NO YOU I am french! The hell is that topic, that's lies, but funny^^ It's a fake one for UK, most of us think "rosbif+fish and chips+drunkards(yeah your girls are drunky)". I feel you wanted to provoke me am I right?AM I FUCKING RIGHT YOU BITCH?!
  13. Sorry guys I must post that, absolutely, it's the greatest actual buzz in France, a journalist was talking about young's addiction to video games, especially MMORPGs.And when you go at around 0:35 listen how he says the word MMORPG? and then tries to spell it.This has been published in a lot of PC magazines (PC gamer, Joystick...). Would you like to play a meuporg? A MMMPORPG?! xD
  14. Maybe the classes should be replaced by some custom class system(MW2 you said?). You would choose the caracteristics you want to boost and each level earned gives you some points you can invest in those caracs.
  15. Exactly XD HEUAAA HUAAAAR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzToNo7A-94
  16. Yeah I thought the same Almost the same.
  17. Laxist parents? I am 17,almost 18, and I can't talk with "strangers", I'm doing everything to keep this secret out of my parent's sight, especially my annoying father, and you are younger (15-16? I don't remember sorry) and when your dad uses the pc and sees Steam guys talking he just says GTFO?! If it was my dad I would have a big "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT GUY?WHERE IS HE FROM?INTERNET?...[insert swears and insults here]". Looking forward I'm leaving home.Would be not cool maybe but I'll be free.
  18. Some people called me Calimero cause of my hairs looking like his egg: Some others called me Kinder Surprise:
  19. When I got the 1st Xbox, as I was in the first buyers in my shop, they offered me 5 games of my choice+supply gamepad.Noraj' I don't know what do I have to answer to that topic so I will just say cool story.bro?Or not.Dunno.
  20. Don't forget your anti-french glasses so your eyes won't burn ;P
  21. This summer I am... -Going to Tunisia, again, and probably again without the internet. -Going to know if I'm taken at the IUT for next year. -Going to try to flirt with my sexy blond neighbour.
  22. We are sillies, it's not his birthday.Not yet! Maybe we can do a community present?What do you think?
  23. Nooooo, why is it so early, I can't even make a thing for him now ( maybe tomorrow I don't know). I wanted to start a 2nd community project, a card or group video for Ywa's bday but I realized I wouldn't have enough time. So I will just offer him a poor Happy Birthday.Maybe a posing tomorrow. I can't play AoE for now but maybe tomorrow too or during the week end (not too late though).
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