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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Chikennugget1

    Hi & Bye

    As I just told you on Steam, I didn't really know you, we didn't talk so much, but you were a serious guy, from what I've seen, and a nice one, we could have known more, but well, it's the destiny I guess Anyways good luck, you were a great member & admin
  2. A fail pokemon contest where you can create fail monsters using props and stuff and make trainers fighting XD Oh nonono! Better, "Represent a game" You have to use stuff to reproduce a scene from a game, or its box, it can be a Valve one or another, prefer choosing some famous ones I think.
  3. 241. Number 343 is mine, if you dare touch it you'll die!
  4. True true, I noticed my propkills aren't so good now, maybe it has been nerfed as said Hundy. But it loses "kill" thing then :<
  5. I want autoshotty to make various typed class (poly is a balanced class, Scar-H with holographic ironsight, Rocket launcher for Hind/Appache/Harrier. Then I'll make Warrior, autoshotty+Spas12 for close combat :3 Btw, can't we change our class during a game?
  6. spectrom_007 Chain> Weren't you supposed to be absent until next weekend? XD
  7. Nice nice, we didn't get an article 'bout gmod in french PC Gamer What magasine's month it is? November? Also, out of topic, but I got 2 of my emails published in PC Gamer, with one as "letter of the month", and a picture I made for a picture contest, I didn't win a game but I was in the best pictures, I try to find a screen if I can. EDIT: Got it!It's a pic I made in Gmod (it's on the left, under the winner ) The title is "medic!" and the soldier has a wierd face (you know, randomize expression in faceposer)
  8. Aah the sound stood in my ears Dx I notice I usually hear these hiiiiiiigh sounds when it's silent.
  9. Probably Haxtea. Dusty, we'll invite you to join the secret club of Frenchan,or Germench micro chat XD
  10. *agrees with Error >:K We'll teach you the rudiments of haxes Anyways, nice app
  11. Where is Buffalo Grill? :(

  12. If you do that unique server, think about adding a votemap script otherwise you will have a lot of whiners who are ragequitting and such.Also, I don't know if it's "usually" like that, but yesterday on the event server it often lagged and there always were that stuck bug/lag at the end of the rounds :/ It can be a good idea but there is always the division bomb,campers,extremists/people who wants fun etc... :/
  13. Good luck. By the way, you're not obliged to leave your clans, you just have to remove your clan tags next to your name.
  14. @ Hundy, yeah Half life song was the best.I have it in my musics :> halflife_v2.mp3 As Half life song?
  15. Nice nice^^ I wondered why you asked me to take my picture on Steam^^ Am I putting a nade in Error's left ear? :noel:
  16. I posted my video on Facepunch and two dudes commented it, saying that basically it's hard to understand or it doesn't has sense ^^ Well, there are some scenes which are voluntarly lolwut ( Time reversing XD ).
  17. Weird, it comes from Youtube |<
  18. It seems to block at 2:17, do you have that problem guys?
  19. It just worked, YT tags fail :s I've put youtube /youtube
  20. Hello there^^ I made a new Team Fortress 2 Poop...Well I do'nt know if you can qualify it as a poop, let's say some TF2 story, using sometimes Gmod.It's better than any of my other TF2 Poops, waaaaay better (even betetr than God spy! :noel: &color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1">&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="660" height="405"> Url (if vid doesn't works here) After a request of a friend, I've put a reference to Braid (if you know that game) in the scene where the spy pushes the clock (because time reversing!^^). Enjoy!
  21. E. Because you can fortify with stuff and eat cakez :>
  22. Dude, what The ego of a norwegian person is often too big to speak english. Well, as you can see I used the fat-style over "Driter blod". Since I'm from sweden I can understand bits and pieces, and that part scared me. "Shitting blood". Exactly was I was asking to, in Danish. I can understand it without any defficulty too. You can't shit fucking blood, unless you have a huge problem, and you will properly bleed to death Unfair, only French is forbidden in topics? x< When it's some non-dutch language, from countries around, people don't rage so much than when we talk French!^^ Revolution!^^
  23. Kill assists in ZS because you don't always have powerful weapons like in IW and it annoyed a lot of players.
  24. Bye, but why so many people do these sort of topics because they leave for a little time?
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