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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sneed

  1. Sneed

    Guess the game!

    Haha thats duke nukem MUHAHA
  2. Sneed

    Guess the game!

    Sounds like halo
  3. yeah the gore is awesome but it keeps crashing me ;( thats why i dont play it so much becuse theres no blood when i have gore turned off
  4. Sneed

    Guess the game!

    hmm hasnt that song been in like many final fantasy games or...
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkVa0JgBSnU&translated=1 this is what i call music
  6. i think you'r too young + that name... whats with all these ---==- weird symbols in the name... why have it
  7. Sneed

    Guess the game!

    how about ghost and goblins? XD
  8. Sneed

    Guess the game!

    bah im guessing with lifeforce
  9. Sneed

    Guess the game!

    hmm i dunno ... clocktower? XD
  10. Sneed

    Guess the game!

    if redgord was close with that im guessing Turok 2: Seeds of Evil XD or Pilotwings 64 i dunno
  11. Sneed

    Ahh, memories.

    the games i really love but dont have antymore is = Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of destiny, Doom 1 and 2 . Duke nukem 3D awesome
  12. http://www.teamfortress.com/sniperupdate/
  13. same as redgord but dont have a pic XD
  14. darkness stop with the useless spaming your posting useless thing like . (One smiley here) then ALOT OF SPACE CLICKING and some useless text ' please say something usefull sometime
  15. DAMN! He's not going to be in rush hour 3
  16. Error awesome job HAHA XD
  17. HAHA cow i have no idea what you are doing think you are confused becuse your body have been working hard on that baby birth
  18. looks awesome i will buy it
  19. mine is 154 but in top 5 it says 152 dunno why... i have picture proof.
  20. http://www.existenz.se/out.php?id=13796 I want to be the drummer XD
  21. Sneed


    Awesome job red! this is what we call g
  22. heres another awesome song
  23. Add more detail to your map it feels empty for some reason :/ no zombie survival feeling... but i cant say your map sucks ... becuse i cant even make a wall in source SDK.
  24. Nice apply indeed. Cow, you have the muscles and brain to become an admin! BUT. i demand more breathing in mics!
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