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Mr. Green Gaming


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minowux last won the day on May 8 2021

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About minowux

  • Birthday 09/29/1996

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  1. Einstain kardeşim forumda Türkçe konuşan sadece  Mekuar ve ben varız başkalarına Türkçe yazma anlamazlar.:D



      Sen türkmüsün



      Ve sitede çeviri özelliği  yok mu?

    3. minowux


      Yok çeviri kolay iş değil öyle.Sen sor ben burdaysam yardımcı olurum.Google Çeviri'ye de fazla güvenme.

  2. Paintjob i made for "Quick!" Paintjob for Cenation clan. Bonus: SuperGT (It looked very good and i couldnt miss it.)
  3. Me hitchhiking. Job being a ballerina or having an existantial crisis idk Stig Simpson flying!!!
  4. Paintjob with NGR colors. Dinoco livery from the Cars movie that i made for Cena
  5. Your ingame name : Minowux The player's name who you are reporting : LaurDani Which server are you requesting this? Mrgreen MIX The reason why this player should get banned : Any type of racism for everyone shouldnt be in server.He gets angry for simple things and attacking people as you can see in the links below. I dont even know this guy, i was checking the #mta-mix-chat in discord then i saw what he said. I will also put the discord link so that you can check it via discord. https://discordapp.com/channels/228439442069651456/231020305429168128/752275918671577130 Then again, he attacks Condom.boi for no reason and repeating the racism.Condom boi being clueless and nice is explaining that he just gets angry and start random insulting whenever he dies or loses. https://discordapp.com/channels/228439442069651456/231020305429168128/751927896897224744
  6. Nick: NGR|Minowux Map Name: NRG-500 Parkour 4 (Race) Map Name: DD - Mandala 2 (Mix)
  7. Just a normal MTA screenshot. @Gonzalezo
  8. You can use https://www.mp3smaller.com/ to compress your songs(lower file size), 80kbps is good enough, talking with experience. Also if you want to download a song from youtube, i use this: https://www.flv2mp3.by/tr16/ If your song volume is too low in map, you can use http://www.kanssoftware.com/download_tr.htm , 1.5 - 4.5 dB normalizing is enough. In my opinion map being so plain is not a problem, just dont make it annoying and people would be grateful.You will start making better maps as you keep doing them. For suggestion i would say start simple and make something new for your next maps since mta map editor is kinda cancer, wouldnt be good if you would say screw this and quit. Good luck.
  9. Did you deleted it or somethin? No need to miss come and lets play together.
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