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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Weo

  1. yeh i went there and now im registered... its brony heaven! however im still going to speak ponies in here too...
  2. but we like left4green... whats the harm if we create 1 thread for pony people. hmm thought i could check that forum... thanks. but still: i don't betray my brony brothers here!
  3. maybe i/someone else need to make thread just for bronies... but im not gonna do that yet. perhaps someday next week. i have this feeling its going to get spammed by pony haters...
  4. just realised that 8 pm gmt 0 is bad time for me today... but i will be there anyway too bad rinkana could not make it.
  5. so when those who make pony thread to bronies there comes like 4 pony haters... this could be nice little post where we could talk about ponies in peace instead of in shoutbox or status updates... so stop it. let me say this clear : we speak here about ponies instead of in shout box or status updates (mostly) so you don't need to mind them.
  6. Peace among bronies and non-bronies! yeah we did have little fight in the topic... but lets just understand each other and not start spamming to neither sides... yes we may shout or status update but so what? instead of insulting ponies you should tell us (the members) to limit it. thanks darkstar for making it stop.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Weo


      yeah baron... lets use our powers together to bring down the admins in epic battle in tf2 :D

    3. Heinix


      go back to 4chan

    4. Mr. Darkness
  7. well why are you raging for then? if you think we are spamming messages perhaps you should say stop spamming messages instead of insulting ponies?
  8. could it be that you alredy decided not to like it before watching it? that is propaply the most common reason why people don't watch this show, they judge it from the cover. and also skipping doesn't make it intresting... some people just skipp parts and thats just sad. edit: huh every time i post there is more postes to comment...
  9. ok first of all... children show? most likely is but it doesn't mean its bad. second: i don't consider those who don't like it haters... i consider you as hater since you start coming here and posting shitload of stuff about why ponies suck. there has been people who i have linked to ponies and they sometimes say : no my kind of show or something. its ok i don't judge. also we do like to speak about it like you speak minecraft, ZS, some random videos and others stuff. and why don't we change forum? well because i like l4g even when there are people like you raging from innocent shouts that go away in like hour. now stop insulting ponies... or should i start insulting something you like because you spoke about it to another person and recommended it to someone. also we are not going after you... you are coming after us.
  10. as i have said before... you used to be much cooler. now you are just one rager among those 3-5 persons. shame on you damien. we never insulted anyone...
  11. yes... but when we say ponies in the forum you guys start saying stop saying ponies and that causes chain reaction to cause all this... and yes we did say bro hoof... but you guys started spamming messages after that.
  12. your video has the old MLP not the new one... just saying. also whats your proplem? this is another fucknugget. math i never knew you would become pony hater. i have played with you and you looked like you could actually understand that some people like other things than others... you might not need to like it but why you need to go raging against them. now i guess i need video that says what im thinking and its here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgVPun6TuQQ&feature=related
  13. Weo


  14. SC2 was the best fucking game ever. yeh SC2 was better than 3. oh you have played clonk! i played that with my friends... i think we still do sometimes just to remember the good old times.
  15. made me feel like wanting to play Zombie Master
  16. i found something awesome! http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=350217&no=20&weekday=tue use mouse wheel to scroll down.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sacrevy


      They did't put much effort in her face..

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Holy fuck

      I didnt expect that head turning LOL

    4. Weo
  17. dark take it easy...

  18. necros 18 birthday? congratulations!! i made you party... hope you like it
  19. stop harassing the ponies darkness. you are almost like spamming messages against ponies...

  20. i would go grazy WITHOUT mlp:fim...

    ponies are cute and the series is good.

    also MLP:fim has fluttershy.

    now wheres that season 2?

  21. Bro-hoof!

    ponys ftw!

  22. go ponies!

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