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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Weo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz0SeapHqM8&feature=channel_video_title with 25 936 views and 65 likes, 5 doesn't like. i made this easy mouse aimed tutorial in gmod. thought there is advanced moveable E2 mouse aimed turret. but it camed later so this is my most viewed video.
  2. Weo


    some wood and 5 silk
  3. Weo


    nice hundred! also heres my little project i started. my castle
  4. Weo


    i think terraria is unfinished like minecraft. not sure but i think there is going to be dedicated server and perhaps even mods... there better be! edit: i also like terraria! its awesome. minecraft doesn't have bosses or that good combat system.
  6. Weo


    propaply gonan buy it i like minecraft but the PvP (monsters) and explosions suck in it
  7. Weo


    copy of minecraft? how did you get?
  8. swimming if its not ice cold water... fuck/take pussy or anal
  9. Looks like the scourge can finally go home dam right we will. What about the ghasts? fuck the ghasts... ill rape them with sticks
  10. Looks like the scourge can finally go home dam right we will.
  11. just saw future item to 1.6! map
  12. your first name is jarno? do you have any finnish relatives? or why do you have finnish name ?
  13. thyonimes SLOW DOWN god dam it... you are going past me ... you elevator stopping duce xD... just joking ofc. welcome to forums btw
  14. can't wait until it comes to server
  15. Weo

    Portal 2 - leak

    just bought portal 2 just need to DL it
  16. That's what I suggested a month ago. unlocking zombies is based on infliction. But if the infliction does not go up, then the time of the round will unlock zombies. If there are 20 players, 6 of them are camping a long hallway and are destroying the normal zombies, of course you would want poisons and zombines instead. Cause it would not be very fair. you should avoid the zombine like I do. yet that makes no sense that 2 players with pistols-smg must hold out against up to 6 other players that have armour,run and explode on death for 16 fkin minutes. why is it based on infliction when the ppl who have to survive havent even had a chance to unlock anything remotely good? How is that "FAIR" pufu? I had a usp and just unlocked a magnum when zombines started spawning I think zombines>magnum Sure it should be based on infliction but there should be a minimum time past first i.e about the 8-10 min mark Even lvl 6 engi would only spawn with a pulseSMG at best and only and even then zombines>pulseSMG Maybe a very good engi might just have unlocked a PulseRIFLE after 8 min into the round if there were about 15 players. You should avoid the zombine, they are very slow. lvl 6 engis get turrets so don't complain griffon Guys, its a gameplay where you work in a team. You don't need to fucking run alone. In this gameplay you try to survive. Lol, but really. Why some players whine on the server that the game is unfair because of them not winning. (Not talking anyone of you guys, I'm talking about some other whiners) why does it go to this -> stick together or have 0 % of survival... should be choice not force team play... also pufu i think this is starting trend like this -> avoid zombines DO NOT SHOOT THEM... is that fun? running around dodging zombines? id rather shoot them
  17. could people get extra greencoins with skillshots, like 1 gc per skillshot.
  18. It would be nice if the upgrade 'Ammunition Man' would give you less ammunition regen time and more ammo from it. There should be an upgrade called 'Deep Pockets' where you should hold twice as much ammo. Agreed with everything. It sucks when everyone loses ammo and gets nothing to shoot with. Play engineer Still. You cant mine shit. Also that there are only 4 mines. If you talk about sentry - who would like to sacrifice his sentry? agreed... i always runout of ammunition at the first or second zombie (if i shoot them). there should be ways to get faster ammunition. also i think engineer if fine now even when i play engineer but 1 thing is still proplem for me = mine placing radius, why can't we place mines where we want? why there needs to be 250 units away from each other. i think it should be more like 50 or 100
  19. hmm... classified system of what? also i just would like that gmod would stop crashing
  20. LIPTON YOU FROM FINLAND? god dam you... haven't noticed it until now. makkaramies is your steam accounts name good to see other finnish people here.
  21. i think ZS at is bests now... its balanced and leveling is good... thought i still hate the huge blast radius of poison headcrab. but ignoring that i played 3.5 hours in row after the server fix
  22. thanks delu gonna go play there now
  23. 14.4 there seems to be proplem in the server it repeats this message to console amemodeError(PostRenderVGUI): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(Think): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(DrawMonitors): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(RenderScreenspaceEffects): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(PostRenderVGUI): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(Think): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(DrawMonitors): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(RenderScreenspaceEffects): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(PostRenderVGUI): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(Think): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(DrawMonitors): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(RenderScreenspaceEffects): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(PostRenderVGUI): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(Think): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(Tick): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(DrawMonitors): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(RenderScreenspaceEffects): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(PostRenderVGUI): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(Think): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(DrawMonitors): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(RenderScreenspaceEffects): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(PostRenderVGUI): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(Think): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(FinishChat): No Gamemode! GamemodeError(ShutDown): No Gamemode! got early day off from school today
  24. in the old ZS there was awesome things and bad things... reason why i like new one better is upgrades,classes and kinda crates (kinda not too). there was midpoint too, then when needed to find the weapons, that combined with classes -> aawweessoommee, i bought mysterious stranger back then... sry for posting so soon... didn't see this posts how much smaller cade? also could you make it easier to place. its annoying when in hurry it only shows red... you have to slowly test where it is and it flashes only for 1 second and you need to find that place again. awesome that zombine gets its OP away... FINALY
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