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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Weo

  1. when will new map come? not asking for it... just asking when. next update (adventure update) will force new map?
  2. is the server down? when i try to connect it just says: connection lost - end of stream
  3. perhaps they should make nocollide to humans? (includin the creator so no one can jump trought their turrets to exploid places)
  4. whos going to host it ? left4green has only 1 server in gmod. for now...
  5. perhaps there could be that if player suicided... he can't get levels. MUAHHAHAH that would be enought cruel for today. now i need something random for my unicorn that was given birth by leprechaun wielding pufu scepter.
  6. i thought support gets nailing hammer. and doesn't support sometimes spawn with SMG? more oftenly than the same level engineer does. also its only sometimes kits (idk about turret)
  7. i got 1 solution. we mess around in forums... then we tell pufu and pufu tells necro ?
  8. sir... you have good point. i too complained about the green spit. even got few ideas to make it work. they were ignored so badly. also i have seen it lagging too. thats why i play when there is less than 15-20 people on the server. edit: removed other replies.
  9. fagsties should be really weak... (yes i still post comments that has something to do with this post like this () doesn't have anything to do with it)
  10. yeh do those! moga should post more ideas.
  11. spamming red spit is still better than green. green has so big explosion radius.
  12. well i undestand that you used sarcasm there but what about jetpacks to tank zombies ? i find it funny if there would be flying zombies all around the place. also why poison zombies. they are the healers and tanks of the zombies.
  13. Weo


    so anyone still intrested in playing terraria? i'm over terraria alredy. but still clad i bought it
  14. Weo

    PS3 Gamers

    1 intresting point comes here! i did have ps3... for 1-2 weeks. then i sold it. i prefer 360 but i didn't find anything wrong with ps3. the internet thingy was bit lacking but it was playable. i did have these games. red faction querilla little big planet and something that i don't remember. (STILL NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT PS3... i'm not rager fanboy asshole kiddo)
  15. what crack have you been smoking? starting zombies are over healthy because they are starter zombies.normal zombies have like 120 hp. 1000 hp for zombie... ARE YOU MAD, i can't even imagine 1500 hp. its good that you need to wait so there is no early rape of poisons. and for the last: JETPACKS??? ARE YOU SERIOUS? if you are... you are insane.
  16. perhaps if you put treat on your suggestion. then necro will take the bait and take the suggestions too... hmm so if i want ethernals invisibility litte bit less so they could actually be seen and put pufu on it... hmm. nah i think pufus butt has been used too much since he got admin.
  17. poison spit is ruining the game once again?
  18. so basicly the old ZS weapon system (i did like it thought) now when you cade somewhere... you can't get crates unless crates come inside cade
  19. ahh... good times i had with ZS... i propaply remember the best is 3rd picture with elevator.
  20. Weo

    unban plz

    calling server admins as noobs doesn't really help you position. and could you atleast try to write english in there? edit: sry admins about this... didn't see the sticky note.
  21. new world would be good...
  22. Weo


    also i think terraria has better combat system. sure minecraft has swords and bows. but terraria got : swords,bows,guns,phaseblades,bumerangs,grenades and magick items. also terraria has better explosive stuff. minecraft is ok but terraria is just better. and what comes to armors. minecraft has leather,iron,gold and diamond armors. when terraria has copper,iron,gold,demonite/shadow,meteor and molten. also terraria has huge loads of accesories. when it comes to mobs. minecraft haves cows,sheeps,pigs,zombies,skeletons,spiders,slimes,water creature,zombiepig ang ghosts in nethern. terraria has like 5 difrent kinds of slimes,zombies,demon eyes, 3 difrent kinds of skeletons,giant worms,even bigger worms,imps,skeleton drakes or what are they, bees and man eater plants. terraria also has bosses which i know 3 of them world eaters,eye of chutulu and skeletor combat system agains players i haven't yet tested. but there is 5 difrent teams (1 is no team) pvp can be turned off and on. i like minecraft and terraria. i play minecraft when i want and terraria when i want
  23. Weo


    its propaply the 2D style. atleast many people feel like that when its 2D. thought i like the game
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