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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Ruff

  1. You apologized to me?

    "i'm sorry for acting like that earlier, Ruff."


    and then you went on bubbling in a sarcastic tone criticising my ways of work after which I was forced to mute you again.

    I do not consider that apologizing. You have some weird definitions, my friend.

    And I personally think you should have a temp. mute for a week until you start acting reasonable again.

  2. beemp3 is good, in fact most mp3 sites are good, you only have to right click and save target/link as :>

    VOILA! A computer full of viruses. :V

    Not a single virus here. Get your facts straight and don't download "songname(official-this-is-the-real-version-really-really-i-promise).mp3"

  3. Can I request deletion of this fucking spam? I wanted to have a clear topic yet it's full of shit.

    Anyway.. Dr. Pannenkoek:



    Hundred2, I'll probably make it but smaller.

    Mathematics, I have yet to find a single good-quality image of that girl. If you could provide me with a GOOD image, private message.

  4. @Messy:



    @Lastion: (The Biohazard icon.. I don't know. I gave my best.)



    I'll probably deal with the others tomorrow or later tonight.

    And thank you for the compliment, Clavus.

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