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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Ruff

  1. It should only registered members can vote, it could prevent Guest533 have access to voting

    That would also ensure more registered people which would be a positive thing for Mr. Green's.

  2. There is a rating system, so I propose at the very least to delete maps with a rating of 2 and below, maybe even 3 and below?

    That would be so nice. There are too many crappy maps that make people leave (along with me) and are just frustrating to play.

  3. Saw 2 dreams today:

    1) I'm in the classroom with all my classmates. Just chatting about everyday things, when all of a sudden some other student sits next to me. I've never seen him before. I'm thinking "Guess he's here to fix his test results." He asks me "Uh.. 10..C or A, right?". Obviously he was wondering what class I was from. I replied "11A" and everyone started laughing about how wrong this guy had his guess. Then another fella storms in and sits down. Apparently he wanted to fix his test results as well. But he starts talking about this weird shit. So me and a couple of other classmates leave the class.


    I'm now in the nature. It's a nice camping place with a rocky landscape, lots of pine trees (not really a forest, maybe a tad bit) and the sea next to it. Guess me and my class came here for a trip (sort of like our Lithuania trip last year). I catch myself walking around with a male classmate and a female. We're just walking along the beach when all of a sudden some guy starts talking crap to us. We get into a fight; me and my friend beat the shit out of him. I look over to our campsite to see if this guy was alone or not. "Not" is unfortunately the answer. I can see around 5-6 strangers over at our campsite on top of the hill. We 3 start sneaking around the forest. These guys had patrol guards out in the forest. We take one down, but he starts screaming. I look back at the campsite - it's about 10-15 guys in dark clothes gathering now, looking at us. "Shit" is probably the best word to describe what I was thinking about. We start moving faster, towards the exit of the forest (yes, there was an exit, a door in the middle of the forest). These guys start storming at us. My friend grabs a nice and hard piece of wood and launches into a fight, like a warrior. The girl we were with falls down. I try to help her, but an enemy has already attacked me. He also has some sort of a wooden stick in his hands but I grab it and kick him with my foot. I then grab his stick and beat him down. I run to my friend and help him fight off the douchebags. We then manage to find the door and hop inside. The door took us to an elevator which on top said "To Dubai". Guess this was sort of an airport-elevator. My friend says "If they catch us, let my family know."

    The end.

    tl;dr - action story in a forest

    2) Me and a friend of mine came up with a plan on how to rob people. We're in a huge city and it's night-time. We enter this small shop that sells clothes. There's 2 workers. To avoid the alarm, we had to make sure none of them could do anything. The second worker was in the backroom - that's where I had to go. I entered the backroom and caught her by surprise. Grabbed her head, covered her mouth and stuffed her inside an oven. I then headed back to the main room where my friend was. He had already finished his job - knocking out the cashier. We get the money and leave.

    This happens about 3 times, we rob different shops. Until we get to this one which sells home supplies. I enter the backroom like always but I can't manage to hit the woman down. She struggles hard and I bump myself everywhere. My friend steps in after some time and looks pissed. He helps me put the woman down and we tie her up. Just as we get her covered in duct tape, the second worker opens the room and steps in. She looks surprised - her co-worker is held hostage. She storms for the counter and hits the alarm. I don't hesitate for long and start heading out of the shop. The first door drops me in a corridor. I look through the front door's window and see a couple of police cars standing out in front. I then look for an emergency exit door and head through that. Right that second, a cop opened the front door - I got lucky with timing. I slowly head outside through the emergency exit. I can already see a cop patrolling the perimeters of the shop. Slowly and carefully, I start sneaking up to him and kicks his legs out. Then I elbow him in the face and run away as fast as I possibly could. Somebody's running after me screaming "Hey! Stop! We need to talk!" I don't know who it is. You know it's hard to run in your dreams, so I was really trying this time as well. No matter how I tried, I was still going slow, stumbling. It's like I was a baby and didn't even know how to walk. My friend (the other robber) suddenly shows up with a car and says I have an old lady chasing me. I turn off into an alleyway and he parks his car in the middle of the road. "This will get her off" he says. We run away from the car until we can't hear the sirens anymore.

    The end.

    tl;dr - action story in a city

  4. It's possible to do damage to a plane if its higher than "x"? I was thinking like in a mission of GTA SA, that if you're higher than a certain hight you will lose, something like that.

    Most certainly is possible. Unfortunately I don't know how to code either.

    But it would probably just be checking the plane's Z coordinate and then if it is, executing a kill command.

  5. If I could be invisible for a day, I would poke people all day long. Poke them in the back and whisper something. Then they start fights out of nothing all the time and eventually my city would turn into a riot area. I would then steal from absolutely everybody because most of them will either be knocked out or dead. Profit!

  6. Today was quite regular.

    Really dark atmosphere, an industrial-looking little town, if you may. So anyway it was sort of a zombie invasion and it was me and a couple of other people still alive. I can't remember much anymore. I remember losing one of our guys in a burning house. It was also quite impossible to get a hold of a submachine gun (probably MP5). There were lots on a wall but I couldn't reach them. So I ended up departed from the crew, travelling the dark alleyways with a desert eagle and zombies roaming everywhere. I recall barely managing to fight myself through, but it was somehow peaceful - the zombies weren't fast.

    Sort of a sequel to my dream the night before but as this is a "last dream" thread, I will not get into that one.

  7. Hello im a new person into this community, Should i say hi and introduce yourself or should i post vidoes of my showing my "Skill"?

    First of all, Hijack is not a new person in this community. Not by a long shot.

    And secondly it was to prove he was not a hacker. There was a messy thread about him getting banned via an anti-cheat bug.

  8. Oh and a really useful tip - NEVER stretch images out. I think you did so on your signature right now (correct me if I'm wrong). If you're using PhotoShop: when resizing an image with the Transformer Tool (Ctrl+T) then make sure you hold down Shift. This will make sure that the image will preserve its proportions. Do this when dealing with all the images (renders, brushes, pictures.. everything). Unless it is your intention to stretch images out.

    This is the main thing newbs do, they stretch everything out. It makes images look really ugly. Just keep it in mind.

  9. Oh and I haven't even written a helpful comment yet. Except for the size.

    Well.. it's empty. I don't suggest using a white background unless you're a professional and know how to fit everything perfectly into the composition. Try starting black or a smooth gradient. Also follow a lot of tutorials. I know it might seem whack to copy paste other people's works but trust me - starting off on your own in PhotoShop will take a loooooong time. Unless you're a born talent in computer & art or something. Just follow a lot of tag/signature tutorials - these will teach you a lot. You will actually make proper signatures, even though they're not that original. And over time you will develop an image in your head on the standards of a signature and you will gain a lot of experience. Only then will you be able to step out of the line of copypasting and start creating your own good-looking signatures.

    Or just do whatever you want.

  10. 780 by 100?

    Are you from another universe? People usually use a max width 400 if they want it to look good. Height 100-150 or so.

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