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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Ruff

  1. This would indeed fix the issue when an admin is not nearby. The server really does need more admins but is this jr. admin thing a good idea? I don't know.

    I approve it because it sounds good in theory. Unfortunately I do not see it in a good light on the practical side. People would most probably start abusing it since it'd be a lot easier to get into (than real admins). But I don't know.. still worth a shot I think. Strict surveillance for the juniors and permban if abusing?

  2. Stop this bullshit at once!

    I have made up my mind and am quite certain Hijack didn't cheat. I've seen players like him, I've played with people like him. This one Estonian guy was like a god back in the days of Revolution Crew (RevC). His reason was a whole lot of racing games. Well obviously some talent but every time I raced him, he was 10 seconds faster.

    Every time before an F1 championship, he would be practising different setups for the vehicle. He never ever finished a lap. He checked his times right before the end of a lap, not revealing his times. So even though all the lap times got written down in a log, we never got to know if we would have the ultimate setup because his times were never there for us to see. Only after the first lap of the race we could see that he was leading us with a couple of seconds which grew to tens of seconds. He was the God of racing to me.

    And I think I could probably draw a whole lot lines that match Hijack and him (kheelo). There are pro racers on the internet, it's not a myth. Just stop being a bitch about it and let them show us we are not the best but we have to work harder (if it is the top times you're hunting). They are merely people, not robots. They make us work towards our goal and remind ourselves tha we are not the fastest nor the best.

    Now just shut up about all this "but.. but.. it's impossible to be that fast" because it damn well is. Although I can not be 100% certain, I have faith. All is not lost! Yet only one question arises - what is the "bug"?


  3. I am planning on writing a book.

    In class, I drew this face and told my classmate that it's my book's main character - a bad-ass tough guy. He then grabbed the picture and said "It's missing something." So he added those tentacle-eyes and from here on I knew my idea was ruined.

    We added a couple of other things and here's the outcome:


    (btw we do this collab-picture thing nearly every class we sit together because the classes are damn boring)

  4. His times always seemed too good to be true but I'm not taking any sides here. He could be superpro or he could be a really wise hacker. Both options possible. I don't really care either.

    As long as I have some competition, I'm good.

  5. L4G_ZS1.png L4G_ZS2.png L4G_ZS3.png

    As I was almost certain I'm not going to enter this contest, I reminded myself that I had made a promise to Clavus. And I don't like letting people down.

    So here's some stuff I patched together in the last 30 minutes. I don't know java/css so one of you magicians will have to wave your wand and do the hard work, if this design should be of favor. For that I am obviously not competitive enough to earn the grand prize but I don't really even care. This was more of a test to see if I can still make anything artistic after having a huge break from PhotoShop.

    My personal favorite is the last one because it's clean and simple, yet I feel like it's missing something and have no idea what it should contain. So I left it empty for now. Good luck everyone!

    If Clavus and Mayco like this design (or if anyone has any requests) and wish to proceed working on it, contact me by PM.

    Edit: here's a song I thought would fit the background - clickidy

  6. look if u hack u must get banned but blocking ?? :huh:

    Palo got banned. Pretty much for.. blocking mostly.

    If they do it for a while, a kick or a temp. ban sounds like an option to make them change their mind. If they keep doing it - I approve a ban. Don't need people playing total trolls on the server.

  7. I tried. In daylight, with sound, got to the 3rd room and gave up. :(

    Haha, nice one.

    Just to show how easily I get scared:

    I opened the page up and thought I'd give it a shot myself (haven't played it for a long time). I turned the sound off. There's nobody home but my lights are on. As soon as I saw the first room's image (Dining Room.. blabla) I was like "Okay.. no.. no.. fuck this." and closed the tab. Haha!

    How to play it?

    In the first room you gotta click on the small picture to your left. Click it a lot.

  8. Okay I had to play 2 minutes of that flickering video to find out what you were talking about.

    I have not really noticed Face blocking people intentionally. Maybe he's been possessed by an evil demon in the past few days? Hehe

    Even though I'm not the person to judge over bans and such, I'd suggest you post more evidence until complaining because, I, for example have not seen him act in that way.

  9. I'm a real pussy. Scared real easily. Brightness 100% etc.

    Same here.

    I could never ever ever play games like FEAR at night time while being home alone. Well I couldn't probably even play it at daytime. I hate scary games. I can even get scared in games that are not horrifying at all (day turns to night, monsters appear etc.) I played Metro 2033 some while ago. There was this place where nobody actually attacked me but a mutant hopped out of a dark corner and ran away. I almost fell off my chair. And whenever I walk around in Fallout 3, I keep on pressing TAB (for the automatic enemy identifier) every second to make sure I won't have a horrifying surprise.

    I'm also very paranoid. I came home from watching the movie "Shutter Island" and couldn't look any person in the eye on my way back. I felt like they were all mental and from the facility.

    The scariest stuff I've played probably is The House which is a browser game. That stuff freaked me out. What could be worse than an abandoned house with creepy sounds and dead people appearing..


    I mean.. if you can play this through alone at night time, then sir - balls to you!

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