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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ruff

  1. I did not like planes and a definite NO for rollercoasters. Keep searching!
  2. Please stop spamming my thread. Thank you. I'll start working on the requests now.
  3. Took you 8 minutes. I think he was being sarcastic.
  4. @Messy: [img=http://www.upload.ee/image/1121648/Messy.jpg] @Lastion: (The Biohazard icon.. I don't know. I gave my best.) [img=http://www.upload.ee/image/1121715/MrHedra.jpg] I'll probably deal with the others tomorrow or later tonight. And thank you for the compliment, Clavus.
  5. Sure.
  6. I have been playing around with Photoshop ever since Photoshop 7 came out (which happened in 2002 - I was 9). And for the last year or two I've also been messing around in Sony Vegas 7.0. I'd love to learn Adobe After Effects but after a lot of tries, I've only managed to follow tutorials and understand absolutely nothing. Maybe one day.. Random Wallpapers Signatures (Yes, my other nickname is Luc) #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXJPwTaKZe0
  7. Ruff

    Crysis 2

    Here's my version of the wall trailer. I loved the original song but meh.. I love this one better. Had to redo all of the sound effects
  8. Well he's banned again.
  9. Ruff

    Crysis 2

    I liked the freedom. But not the jungle. That was my point. Too green and pretty. I need dull colours that represent destruction. However, over time you will become used to it and will start noticing the positive sides of the dullness and you slowly realise that everything's not doomed after all. You just have to find it yourself.
  10. Ruff

    Crysis 2

    Wow. I just looked at the trailer. I am in love with post-apocalyptic games, movies and books. Anything that has that post-apocalyptic feeling of collapsed and destroyed houses, enormous empty deserts/tight metropolitants, few to none people, hard survival.. gosh. I love that. Crysis 1 was a jungle-massacre which I am not really fond of. Nor the ice & snow of Warhead. But this.. this looks like I'm going to love it.
  11. I laughed my ass off at the first posts. Palo's got better.
  12. I would also love to be a helping hand in fixing those buggy things.
  13. Holy, he said nothing about avatars. Sad that I can't watch Mathematic's sexy clip anymore
  14. Thank you everyone!
  15. Minge (he's trained) Chuck Norris or Terminator?
  16. Well first of all, I only see you arguing with them and I do not really picture you as a whole image of the entire community. So you should stop using that definition in making yourself look like you actually have a bunch of people behind you. And I don't really see this as such a big issue to start a fight. This is a minor problem and I do not feel it having a huge impact on our satisfaction towards the game server and scripts. After all, you download a map just one time and it's not like there are 200 enormous maps out there.
  17. @Mr. Darkness

    Oh but I will.. I will..

  18. Too many games. I feel shame.
  19. Cock-a-doodle-doo!
  20. Well.. wow. This guy has now basically told 3 admins to fuck off. Not the most sane way to survive in a community, buddy..
  21. Good luck, buddy!
  22. I personally think that some maps do need deletion. Some of them are just that bad. So all I'm saying is - set the standards just a little bit higher. And I'd really like to see a +1 -1 system instead of the whole ten-ball thing.
  23. Just use Fraps.
  24. I would also love a limit on map sizes. Although currently there aren't a lot of >15mb maps but it'd be nice to have some sort of a limitation so people could actually enjoy playing the maps.
  25. I like that idea, Cookie. Would make things a lot easier.
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