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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by terminator

  1. found duping glitch in dayz have your mate put the shit you want in his backpack (works with anything guns,food,ammo) count down to zero at the moment he disconnects spam the arrow to the right to take the item and you both get it been geared as fuck by doing this alot now lol

    1. Navo


      Whats the point of a survival game if you cheat

    2. Reap3r


      From my experience, you will mostly ruin the gameplay of it and it will make you stop soon of playing it. Of course it is up to you but just my two cents.

    3. Sacrevy


      This would only ruin the game.

  2. ive got the cash to burn dont care just wanna know wich console has the best preofrmance xbox or new ps3?
  3. terminator

    Day Z

    I've found a great private hive to play on 8 helicopters and 100 vehicle spawns. server restarts every 4 hours always filled with people! Had some of the craziest fire fights ever (more than 15 ppl,2 helicopters, several groups of bandits) that type of stuff wich i wish i recorded it because it was priceless! Not sure if im allowed to link to other sites but here you can whitelist and gain access a pic of a helicopter camp we found!!
  4. What the fuck no word on a pc version so far so it's probably gonna take atleast another year after the console release to get it on PC nice going looks like im gonna have to buy a console fr this game -__- I have an xbox but its a launch version without HDMI, So im thinking of maybe getting a PS3, anyone knows on what console GTA IV looked better on? and had a better framerate? because on the xbox 360 it seemed pretty laggy to me compared to PC so i was hoping maybe the ps3 runs it a little better. Trailer looks awesome nonetheless .
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sacrevy


      I hate that there always has to be kids and a family with a screaming and crying mother in movies like this.

    3. Quad_Tube


      Looks like the winter sales are starting earlier this year.

    4. Quert


      Jeez... too many movies use the zombie theme, it's getting god damn old and overused...

  5. Fast and easy loot in dayz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsccGyt-skY yes im an asshole :)

    1. Griffon


      Remind me never to play DayZ with you on.

  6. favorite movie shootout :)
    1. Raptor


      So I guess you like Kane & Lynch?

    2. Sacrevy
  7. Teamed up with some guy in dayz on a private while i had nothing took his cz550 out of his backpack and killed him thx for the guns and your trust :)

    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Lol, thats what assholes do.

  8. terminator

    Day Z

    Holy shit today was the best day i ever had! Me and a friend were playing on an empty server looting shit, we made our way to Krastovnav east side of the map. Some one had placed a marker at Black lake we went over to check it out and what we found was the motherload of hacker gear: A gazillion amount of vehicles trucks,busses,cars,pick-ups tractors you name it it was there. Crates that contained all weapons of arma II even the ones that are not officially in dayz,Clothing such as ghillie suits but also soldier clothing and other weird clothes Pretty much every lootable item in the game apart from dumb shit like empty tin cans and stuff. So we filled one of the trucks and hid it somewhere south of the map its filled with like 8 hacked weapons,ghillie suits,ammo,nightvision, ERRYTHAN YO!! The server only gets used by like 3-5 people aday so im confident or truck will be there for a while. We then decided to put our weapons to the test i spawned into the treeline behind cherno i immediatly heard people walking i turned around there was like 3 guys 50 meters away going through each others back packs they didnt see me (ghillie suit ftw) i opened fire with my m107 and killed all 3 of them within 5 seconds. Me and my friend then got into position on the big hill between cherno and elektro facing the lighthouse and joined a very full server. Both killed around 30 people and destroyed 2 busses and an atv. today was a good day
  9. New update for dayz waiting for all theservers to install the update -__- ffs

    1. Raptor


      Should have waited :D

  10. terminator

    Day Z

    Found another camp got me 2 ghillie suits for me and a friend 15 DMR mags now for my DMR GPS PDW and alot of more shit. I found it on empty servers all around stary i think this is a tactic for some players, set up small tent camps on empty servers that barely get used and take everything from there when they die and play on other servers lol also found a total of 4 crashed helicopters today but no l85aws? Did they take it out of the game?
  11. terminator

    Day Z

    I found 2 crashed helicopters right next to each other on the hill beind the millitary camp in starysobor with loads of weapons m14,DMR,M249 and a camp with 2 tents filled with weapons and ammo and a tractor lol good shit
  12. terminator

    Day Z

    Camped on a roof in cherno today managed to snipe and kill 7 people today with M24
  13. terminator

    Day Z

    Cant wait for the standalone in the meanwhile im sniping noobs at cherno and elektro..
  14. LOL
  15. terminator

    Day Z

    This looks good really looking forward to the standalone!
  16. 10/10 , fapped furiously http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjrf0JWcHys
  17. Some one pls unban Dr.Minky

  18. terminator

    Day Z

    Sounds like the standalone will be alot harder to survive.
  19. Hows ma profile views ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Darkstar pretty much has the most profile views. I go after him with most profile views :D.

    3. Balmung


      However Darkstar did sit at his PC for an hour holding F5

    4. Darkstar


      All the cmd scripts

  20. Fraps ? can't record longer....Fraps just can record for some seconds....... Only if you have the trail version... get the official release.
  21. terminator

    Day Z

    Killed 4 ppl tonight on ballota airstrip, good shit. met some hackers a while ago there when i had nothing they aimed at me and i saluted them and asked them to not shoot and if they could hook me up with some gear. Being the nice guys they were they gave me an MK48,ghillie suit,cooked meat and an alice pack lol they can be nice some times! Any ways still have not died and camping at balotta on full servers is alot of fun always people there to shoot n loot ^ __________ ^ very entertaining! BTW MK48 = a beast gun good range, accurate and if you want to either pin down an enemy or just kill him it is the right weapon for the job. Also we need to play again with like 10 ppl on TS , me and Mr.darkness play lingor island from time to time wich is fun but i miss playing with an army of bandits
    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Why does this kind of shit keep happening in Russia? :V

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