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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by terminator

  1. terminator

    Day Z

    Got killed by some hacker in a french server he spawned us all in the air and we died..... Joined another server spawned just outside of cherno wanted to raid it but there was to many shots being fired all over the place to even try so moved to balotta airfield. Half way through i found a tent with a M4,m1911,gazillion amounts of ammo,food,drinks, map,compass,hatchet and lots more basically have more gear in 10 minutes than i did when i got killed by the hacker, pretty sure the guy that owns the tent is not gonna be happy when he gets back.

    1. Sacrevy


      That movie was amazing.

    2. Dr.Minky



    3. EmRA


      if you liked that one, check out 127 hours.

  3. terminator

    Day Z

    Just had something epic! Was nearing starysobor and see a tent tucked in some bushes go and check it out it was empty. Suddenly hear a dirtbike and some asshole in a ghillie suit rolled up to the tent needless to say i opened fire but he managed to escape! 2 hours later im done looting starysobor and on my way to the northwestern airfield when i see the motorbike in some bushes i checed it for loot but pretty much only fuel! I was just about to shoot the tires when i suddenly hear shots i run up the mountain behind me and look over the landscape i see a crashed helicopter and some dude in a ghilliesuit running away from it with 10 zombies chasing him! just as im a bout to open fire on him i see something down t my left its another guy in a ghilliesuit making a run for the motorcycle i shoot him first killing him, he had an l85aws. Look for the other guy for a few minutes cant find him but then i see some zombies running and i spot the guy he is about 300m away from me and i can see him aiming at me he also has an l85aws. i immediatly duck down and for some reason he doesnt see me i fire through the grass and kill him too. I screwed both of them with my trust worthy akm
  4. terminator

    Day Z

    Yeah they "removed" and added setting for DayZ UI stuff. It seems to mess up with indicators (hunger etc) if I change it to debug tho. Use the normal option hunger and thirst do work there switch to debug once every while to check progress
  5. O__o''
    1. RedGander


      lol the top comment on the video: ive got the weiredest boner right now......"

  6. Been working on this cartoon for the past 2 years i have the first scene worked out pretty much! Progress has been slow but im happy with the result!
  7. terminator

    Windows 8

    What are the new features on windows 8 can any one enlighten me? Do not really have the need for a new OS right now unless it is greatly superior to window 7 but i highly doubt that....
  8. terminator

    Day Z

    Found a bus just out of cherno today it wasn`t driveable because the two right tire were fucked but it looks like it ran into an army of achers? Also the engine was still running at high RPM when i found it? lol
  9. terminator

    Day Z

    Even though i play this game alot, i have only encountered 1 hacker and that was weeks ago! Also when there is no loot anwhere i suggest you hop to a different server. Also only play on official servers ones with their country code infront!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pufulet


      The driver looks like he doesnt even give a shit

    3. terminator


      yeah he's like im to cool fall *we'll see bout that*

      motherfucker went down like a sack of potatoes :D

    4. Iulian
  10. terminator

    Day Z

  11. terminator

    Day Z

    Where and what server?
  12. It gathers less dust on my desk and i love looking at all of my sexy hardware, also it is harder for my dog to take a piss on my pc
  13. It looks just like san andreas! O__o
  14. Some ones salad?
  15. terminator

    Day Z

    found a boat in the middle of cherno? lol
  16. I actually prefer bin drunk..
  17. Atleast when its cold you can do something about it like wear a sweater or masturbate but when its so goddamn hot you cant do anything apart from swimming or sit in a refrigurator -__- neithe of wich is practical though
  19. When zombie escape is up and running I will definatly buy it! Uh, well it already is? Did they take the mod(maps,scripts etc.) straight from css? or is it all new?
  20. When zombie escape is up and running I will definatly buy it!
  21. Looks like a mix of a F-22 raptor and f16 or lol. Nah its about right:
  22. terminator

    Day Z

    Got killed by a sniper outside of the fire house in elektro -__- Takes 30 minutes to get back to the mountain where the siper was on , find his motorbike race that motherfucker down hill like there is no tommorow. Gunshots gunshots everywhere (goobypls) Get off bike, take everything from my corpse (all was there m16,enfield,map,kompass,etc.etc.) Haul ass out off the open search, bike 5 stanag mags for my m16 oh yeah, hid the bike in some bushes hope its still there tommorow.
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