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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by terminator

    1. hulpje
    2. TechnoNegro


      You guys srsly watch that show?

    3. Sneed


      ^ A Nigger who wanted to be the black knight

  1. Saw 2 people fucking in the middle of the street on my drunken way back home last night... Gave me the weirdest boner.. wanted to make a voyeur porn but didn't have aproper camera on me phone :(

  2. terminator

    Day Z

    This is the kidnappers view.. Gawdamn those guys are funny as fuck too..
  3. terminator

    Day Z

    Gawddamn i hate yet to come across a lucky find like that
  4. Out of pepsi/coke cans. Better drink my own piss...

  5. terminator

    Day Z

    I crawled from Balota to chernogorsk with a broken leg I finally reached the hospital after crawling for like 2 hours ad i got shot by a sniper -__-''
  6. terminator

    Day Z

    Not km/h. It's 299792 km/s. Light can go 7 times around the earth's equator in 1 second. That's nearly the speed i cum with
  7. terminator

    Day Z

    Low on blood too around 7000 now.. No firearms only hatchet,binoculars some ammo gonna hit up Chernogorsk tonight hoping to find an enfield in the same spot as yesterday , it's just that yesterday i needed a firearm just to even get there lol... Came across some guy being chased by two zombies killed both with my hatchet, thought maybe i could team up with him but he kept running away from me. Anyways he tried to hide in some bushes and i just killed him because he pissed me off for making me chase him lol.. Pic related..
  8. terminator

    Day Z

    Both me killed yesterday -__-! Finally found some food but i had around 3000 blood left so i couldn't see shit and got mauled by dirty zambies.. Anyways i really hope they reduce the effects of blood loss cause you are doomed when you're running low...
  9. terminator

    Day Z

    Today was sick!!!! Managed to kill 4 people and countless of zombies! Found some proper weapons too ... Went to the airport balota, checking out what's there when all of a sudden see some dude crawling like 15 meters next to me,i take my enfield aim and BOOM clear headshot!!! Had to leave his body and shit for a while because i had attracted to many zombies after i shaked them i returned. Go through his shit AKM with 2 mags (YEAH BUDDY) suddenly hear alot of shots fired i get down and some other asshole apparently didn't see me either was emptying his mag on some zombies i just lay low and wait for him to kill them then i shot him too. (Funny how many people can be in the same area on a map thats 225km big) Anyways was a good day recorded it all too! Will capture some more footage and make a good gameplay video.
  10. Killed some armed asshole with my hatchet today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g93bGzGHc9Y to bad his friends got me after :(

    1. Iulian
    2. Reap3r


      Oh you, beast.

    3. xeim


      can't stand watching videos of dayZ <.< mine is like 18-20 fps if or even lower sometimes ..

  11. Grand theft auto: Rape City Cunter Strike: Global Rape Socom: United rape force Arma3: Operation buttrape Team Rapetress Ghost Raper: Future Butthurt Left 4 rape Rape
    1. xeim


      terminator why would you do that to the poor animals <.< shame on you

    2. terminator


      Even though i would probably do the same if i had those animals within my reach unfortunatly im not the one in the vid.. i would probably dress them up and have tea parties with them ... :o

  12. terminator

    Day Z

    Lol, you are so aware of zombuls. As for me I really don't care if they are after me or not, I even attracted like 30 zombuls on airfield just for fun because I was bored but then the party ended with me getting into firestation and throwing an m67 at them. Even server lagged a lil' :'). I mean srsly. Even Cadis calls me a proffessional at attracting unwanted attention. I just pretty much dont care unless there are players. I really hate those cunts comming after me i useally just see 1 or 2 but when i shoot them or kill them there comming from all directions O__o'' and rape my butt So i just keep to myself most of the time... Yesterday some asshole bandit rolled up in a tractor he hid it in the bushes and i waited for him to leave so i stole his tractor drove it for like 20 minutes untill i wrecked in some frigging road barrier in the middle of a town with a gazillion zombies and i got overrun -__- Really need an assault rifle or sumtin...
  13. terminator

    Day Z

    Made a video about the location.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1lUh80xf6M
  14. terminator

    Day Z

    Added a screenshot to my post where i think i am!
  15. terminator

    Day Z

    Had a pretty good day! Found alot of shit... Big ass millitary antenna where i found a shotgun and some ammo to bad i had to waste it all on making it out of the complex alive... After that a downed helicopter crash site wich i believed had many valuable stuff like snipers and assault rifles? But i guess mine was already looted or something nothing there apart from a small army of millitary zombies guarding it.. Made my way to a small barn where i found a winchester rifle with quite alot of ammo so not bad i guess.. Anybody knows where this antenna is located on the map?? If so please show so i can kinda navigate where i am. Still haven't found a darn map yet -__-'' EDIT: I think it's here: Anyone can confirm my suspicions?
  16. have you looked at the title of the thread?? ''Any Battlefield 3 Servers on the Xbox?'' lol minky you must still be drunk... I said the forums, not this thread, why the hell would MrGreen run an XBOX server I see, you still love me though?
  17. have you looked at the title of the thread?? ''Any Battlefield 3 Servers on the Xbox?'' lol minky you must still be drunk...
  18. Wrong section... http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/forum/32-map-uploads/ is where map uploads go.. Also include a video or somepictures when you upload a map..
  19. I know it's a little outdated and sending a 3 word text will take about 5 minutes but I still use it for it's never matched reliabillity i carry it with me all the time! Haters gonna hate
  20. Bought arma II combined operations Day Z here i come !

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. terminator


      > Shoots everyone

      > Team

      > Wat?

    3. EmRA


      im assuming hundred is just saddened because the game isnt completely focused on getting anally raped by zeds

  21. Happy hangoverday!
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