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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by terminator

  1. I like it but i think 12 seconds is to long, other horns are only 3-4 seconds long.
  2. Why belgium ?? Why not to glorious nation of netherlands?
  3. terminator


    SWEET ! What the fuck at the other tab. What is the address for that site. LOOOOOOOOLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Game is funny but gameplay sucks balls! Every vehicle handles like some toddler made the handling, apart from that there is only like 50 vehicles? And you only see about 20 of the same cars where ever you go.. Seriously a little more development towards vehicle handling and vehicle appearance would have made this game alot better! 4/10
  5. 3 years is the expiration date on any graphics card...
  6. You live in brazil wich is half way across the world you live to far away from the server to get a normal ping!
  7. I usze tze German versuim cous I äm German. I saved somebody by killing somebody else but why isn't savior ribbon german The Ribbons aren´t German at all It would be reminding to much to an erra where germany wasn't the worlds most beloved place
  8. Are you implying darkstar is disabled? lol???
  9. Maybeh
  10. It's slow as fuck and it handles like you've had 18 beers..
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tennisballesser


      Thank god I don´t play Minecraft :/

    3. MiF


      Thank Celestia i changed to FPS games and Terraria for while.

  11. Nice my longest headshot is 604m
  12. LOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  13. Takes about 4 seconds...
  14. There is tons of decrypting programmes out there! Try google may the force be with you
  15. Correct, but not being able to turn as sharp as a Hornet or a Flanker does mean it handles worse. They can turn bloody fast if you're gonna turn slow the fuck down(no afterburner) initiate turn and re-engage afterburner voila high speed turn..
  16. Get some powerfull magnets and put them on your hard drive it should fix things!!
  17. Handling of the planes helicopters or any other vehicle for that matter is very nicely made! In battlfield 2 it was pretty arcady now it's a little more restricted but i like that, feels more realistic. Stop whining
  18. My (pretty old) neighbour once asked me to fix his E-mail-problems (he's using Outlook 1885), but his PC was made before the Maya calendar, so I'm not sure if he has internet. You mean the neighbour that beats up his wife every time she dares to get out of the kitchen? No, not that one. The old one is really nice to us all the time. Well, the nigger from Antilles is nice to us too, but not to his girl. Well if the bitch trespassed from the kitchen to anywhere else she had it comming... lol stupid bitch ...
  21. If you play medic get the G3A3 it kicks ass!!! Recon is shite you need to get loads of points b4 you get a decent weapon... I would avoid this class unless you're gonna camp hard with dat shit on caspian border lol
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