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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by terminator

  1. I just played it for a couple of hours with 4 of my mates on skype and shit wus epic
  3. This brings up memories why my left knee/elbow look like erasers always wear your gear children
  4. Delete system32 for epic pc speed
  5. What the fuck does this have to do with GTA. It's like you're trying to start a flamewar. Why do you even respond to it then? Lol it was ignored by every one so you're just as guilty as him for trying to start one congrats and so am i now! OOOOOOOH THE IRONY!!!!!!!
  6. Sense of taste since 80% of taste is determined by smell HAHAHA! I WIN
  7. GTA V MAKE IT VICE CITY !!!!!!!!!!!! SAN ANDREAS OR FUCKING BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. LOL.... theync.com is mine and make sure you you type beheadings in the search bar ;)

  9. what site do you use for your wtf shit?

  10. Modern warfare 3 ain't got shit on this game!
  11. Wow 17 already just one year away from maturity!
  12. R.I.P. MUAMMAR GADAFFI 1942-2011 Good night sweet prince

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Griffon


      I find this quite, retarded. This guy is responsible for not only 40 years o pretion, censorship, tourture and no human rights for is own country but he also funded international terrorism. This guy is responsible for funding the IRA withe cemtex and weapons. He orders his british embassy to open fire on peacfull protestors killing a police woman. And he gets away with this for far to long. I personaly wanted him to rott in the hauge or a lybian prison of his regimes standards till his death ...

    3. Sacrevy


      I dont like him :X

    4. Raptor


      Get out ZomBitch. The last thing I want to see

      are kid posts on a serious topic -__-

  13. maybe the changed it a bit.
  14. Dudes have you even played that shit BF3 maps are large and chaotic just because you see a fucking dot doesn'tmean it gives you a golden ticket for a kill.... If you run up to the dot like a mad man you will probably be killed because THERE IS SO MUCH SHIT GOING ON YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TIME T FOCUS ON THE DOT... it's just an indication for enemy position's. And it's alot less worse then the spotting from bfbc2(wallhack) just wait for it to come out then judge...
  15. The server's rules are very clear ''the admins are always right'' Don't disagree or ban even if it's an opinion
  16. Some fucking asshole stole my mountain bike >:(

  17. Sure they will i mean palo and hij@ck were unbanned too
  18. lulz
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NHFDcBwggM Funniest vid i've seen all day
  20. MSI motherboard http://www.msi.com/product/mb/H61M-E33--B3-.html#/?div=Basic 70 euro's And get an I5 Cpu with it http://ark.intel.com/products/52210 around 200 euro's And get a 450/500 watts psu theyre quite cheap (60 euro's or some shit)
  21. Some non theorethical. In Bioschock 2 If the GTX470 sucks so bad why does it get more fps then the recommended ALL MIGHTY HD6850 ??? DO i need to show more benchies? i've got alot to back up my statements you guys have only come up with ''fanboy,you make no sense,LOL'' yeah GG..
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