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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by terminator

  1. Looks fookin epic
  2. It's because you are playing race mode. If you want to put cars in the map that are solid and driveable you have to load another game mode.. such as freeroam..
  3. I JUST SAW JASON IN DAYZ!!! *seen it all now*

  4. terminator

    Day Z

    Just happened to me O__o''
  5. Read moar?
  6. terminator

    Day Z

    LU servers are pretty good most are dutch too!
  7. terminator

    Day Z

    Just shot some asshole on balotta airstrip and took his offroader just cruising through chernarus (shit was so cash) But then some asshole in a ghillie suit showed up and fucked up me car i got out and tried to kill him with my L85 but i couldnt get a shot so bye m107,l85,g17 ;( EDIT: just logged back in somehow i ressurected and respawned with all of my shit , offroader is gone though
    1. Sacrevy


      *gives grenade to kids* "it's an apple, take it"

    2. terminator


      yeah we ran out of gums'' haha i lost it when they wanted to give the at-4 :)

  8. When you want us to go search a pc for you pls tell us your budget....
  9. terminator

    Day Z

    After laying on the airfield for about 3 hours i finally spotted some one, shot him with my m14 aim and boy was it worth the wait !!!
  10. There is a fuckton of clones for this type of map already and they all suck **** so kinda pointless in doing another one..
  11. gawdamn now thats all out chaos
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rui_troia


      It would be awesome if they did that for real.

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Yeah, now all they need to add now is paitball grenades, paintball helicopters and a fucking painball nukelear explosion.

    4. rui_troia


      Paintball Nuke Incoming!

  12. terminator

    Day Z

  13. terminator

    Day Z

    Just respawned, pretty much hit the jackpot found a body with an m4a1, 4 stanag magazines ,alice backpack ,food,drinks,cz550,gps,map,m1911 pistol+ammo compass,matces,grenade,blood,morphine... oh yeah!
  14. terminator

    Day Z

    Base is considered lost... There is still a car and a tractor there at the moment. But it's being guarded by a sniper... still alot of guns ammo and other usefull stuff in the tents!
  15. terminator

    Day Z

    Anyway, I am montaging a video of a small dayz gameplay Especially how our base looks like (without showing it's exact location). That is kinda impossible to do. I even have footage of the heli crash a couple of days ago
  16. terminator

    Day Z

    I hope there was lube involved
  17. terminator

    Day Z

    Holy shit i got killed on the northwestern airfield... Took me a 3,5 hour trip to get back to camp but i made it!!! Camp is still good to go! only missing one bus. the car,pick-up,atv,offroader still there unless reaper just wrecked it lol.. we wll need to scavange for supplies though drinks and food is okay but ammo is low...
  18. terminator

    Day Z

    Ikr... but it was hella awesome
  19. terminator

    Day Z

    aww I think I'm smelling fear AND THAT'S WHY I'M BUYING THIS DAMN GAME FIRST THING TOMORROW Not really buddy would love ya on dayz just dont want you to waste money on a game that might not be playable! Also thanks to minkey and Mr.darkness i currently have the m107.50cal sniper and a G17 pistol so any thing comming my way will be filled with led from a mile away! But if yo do get it we should team up
  20. terminator

    Day Z

    I though tesame and bought it in the summer sales, now I regret it, hope day Z gets more playable when developed a bit more. loading takes to long, day and night system is plain annoying, usually the easiest thing in game - looting - is ridiculous confusing, a easy to use chatbox seems to be missing, they should certainly add some tooltips where you could use items for as well. What the fuck? how is the looting confusing? chat box is easy as fuck, use . to cycle through channels and / to actually talk.... not that hard imho. And maybe you should read the wiki about using items.. only requires a quick look at your inventory and a right mouse button click. All in all you are basically a butthurt noob. Also: Ruff I would keep watching videos ;(
  21. terminator

    Day Z

    Today I decided to move up north! very good decision i found an enfield with 5 magazines and a makarov with 3,morphine,waterbottle,pepsi cans,some food,crowbar,hatchet,matches etc. All in all a good day! Everytime i play it i get better and better! i hope my current character stays alive for a long time cause i have alot of shit i really wouldnt wanna lose... Really hope i find a bigger backpack soon this one be a little full! Gonna try to reach the north end of the map tommorow only thing is i am lost! But thats something ill worry about tomorow!
  22. We don't dupe. I c wut u did thar
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