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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by terminator

  1. I accidented the whole thing.. Was it really necessary to make a thread about something that happened over 4 months ago??
  2. Cool story bro
  3. queensday time to get drunk

  4. Pretty much blew the exhaust from underneath my car sounds a bit like this now lol

  5. I thought you already were an admin any ways can't think of any reason why not, you'll get it soon good luck mate!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. xeim


      it is so good

    3. mogadonskoda


      its epic ^^(even uf it took long to download than to finish the beta...)

  7. So eh i was playing on the mta server and i just noticed that the amount of players per dimension doesn't really add-up in my opinion ... Can it be fixed ? if yes please if not then its okay were miles ahead of where we were before xoxoxoxoxxox binslayer <3 yeah im drunk yo..
  8. Will there be stacks of beer crates?
  9. I suggest .. SLEEPOVER Beer's on you or gangbang I'll bring the lube ...
  10. my fucking jacket got stolen, thank fuck i got a new one now too... :)

    1. TechnoNegro


      Lol. It was u?

    2. Reiska


      how could you ever fuck without your fucking jacket?

  11. « Crew Clavus: And that's a warn level raise. And a 3 day account suspension »
    1. Sickpl


      I'm so impressed by this, that i can barely shit mah pants :E

  12. Honestly it is fucking retarded....
  13. Really don't see a point in this?
  14. deathmatch (destruction derby) i would also love some dogfighting maps like the classic airport dogfight
  15. Lately the minecraft community seems to be even worse than the MTA community :KILL IT WITH FIRE

  16. Thank you for the deliverance of this negative message. Allow me to advice you. Hasten yourself out of this room, before I release my inner rage on you.
  17. It's the truth......
  18. Why is it a change for the worse? How is playing maps on settings they are made for "a change for worse"? And I have yet to see one good argument for why the server should be 66tick, exept for "its too hard for me!" Of course, we here are not players, our opinions dont count, right? We've only played in the server since what, 2009? Dozens of hours, thats cool. I guess you have spent your dozens of surfing hours in a 66tick server(maybe you even started surfing after there were no 33tick servers), and not even once have you bothered to try 33tick, and if you have I guess you just thought it sucks since the surfing wasnt fast enough for you. During the 400 hours I have spent in Mrgreen Surf server, I have never EVER encoutered a problem with hit registeration, not even once. This, plus i have never seen Terminator on the Mr.Green Surf server, so i think hes licking the crews butt. used to play there a while ago, i just said why i think 66 tick is better no need to get your panties in a bunch...... uptight assholes.
  19. LOL!!! happy bday any ways !
  20. So I can make myself go slower than everyone else, is that what that does? And I doubt you have surfed, so I'd stop calling 33tick surfing "shitty low rate gaming" if I were you. Also, it has never happened to me that shots dont register, nor have I ever heard anyone complain about it(until now). I have played surf dozens of hours.... If you set your rates to 33 you send and recieve less packages so yeah you basically slow down , how ever this does mean you get less packages from the server because it runs at a higher tickrate. That's why servers often enforce 66 tick, you can even set your rates to 5 if you want and your ping will drop to odd numbers like 2 or something like that, wich is even considered a hack. Half life 2 games have quite some different net code settings and many users use wrong tick settings if im running my rates at 66 and the other one runs it at 33 that means he's only recieving half of my packages so you will have hits that don't register.. especially in css and day of defeat i'd see their faces red with blood (even after an awp headshot) and they still shoot at me, so his or her client did'nt register it. That's why i prefer 66 or even 100 tick servers but if surfing runs smooth for you at 33tick i would adjust my settings to that!
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