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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. Hundred2

    Day Z

    So are we still playing 1.7 BETA or waiting till1.7 becomes "official".
  2. Hundred2

    Day Z

    So on my first life I died like this: I bled out shortly after, such a sad way to go. Next life I checked out the Mr Green mountain, it didn't look nice.
  3. Hundred2

    Day Z

    Which is full 24/7
  4. Hundred2

    Day Z

    So what, our lack of clantags gives us the element of suprise.
  5. Hundred2

    Day Z

    I agree. And where could I find 1.7?
  6. I used to be an adventurer like you,

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Balmung


      I used to be a farmer like you. Then I took a Marrow to the Knee

    3. Raptor


      but then I retired. What? No, I didn't take an arrow to the knee.

    4. Reap3r


      I used to be a survivor like you, until i took a makarov to the knee :P

  7. Hundred2

    Max Payne 3

    lol @ the failed grenade throws. Fucking controllers At first I thought the aiming looked extremely clunky and ugly. Then I realised it was on the console. And then I realised it's Rockstar, who gave us GTA IV on PC.
  8. *hilarious and witty meme joke no one seems to understand*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mogadonskoda


      Wait, i dont get it...

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      *Hilariously derailing oneliner*

  9. Happy birthday. chicken.
  10. Did it kill your pets too?
  11. Hundred2

    Day Z

    I should try this, I sure hope Arma II's terrible netcode won't get me gangraped by zombies.

  13. http://zirconstudios.bandcamp.com/track/heavy-industry Here's the same song with better quality + it's 2 minutes longer.
  14. Like a sir with a nice suit.
  15. Minecraft.
  16. I don't have a problem with dominating as Behemoth at all. You're not supposed to be a one-man army, you're supposed to draw players in, surprise them, drive them away from each other. I think the swing speed of the crowbar could be increased a bit (so getting near a Behemoth is even less recommended) but that's about it. I know this sounds stupid, but have you played since the armorbug got fixed? The thing that made the Behemoth scary as balls was the uncertainty if the meatrocket was going to armor bug you.
  17. Such finesse and grace, it's almost as if he floats through the map...
  18. Yes. Accept this man now.
  19. Rage-quitted after spending 5 minutes in the laser redirection room. Wasn't very fun. I do admit I had to just rush it when I found out there's a item limit. Baron had the same complaint only he lost patience in the water room + No checkpoints for some reason, which only made it worse.
  20. Finished my second level. The Two Steps of Science. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=68612977 I was planning to make four puzzle rooms, but when I finished the second one I suddenly hit a "Item Cap", so I had to cut the four rooms into two rooms.
  21. (No Portals Allowed)
  22. I made a nifty little chamber, Baron helped me test it a bit. http://steamcommunit...ls/?id=68486895
  23. How optimistic. You guys were the ones that wanted it back Hey I'm just being realistic, if the server doesn't attract new players the server isn't gonna hold. Also, Hundred has been promoting it himself. To me. Constantly. Not true. You should still try it though.
  24. How optimistic. You guys were the ones that wanted it back Hey I'm just being realistic, if the server doesn't attract new players the server isn't gonna hold.
  25. Clavus/NECROSSIN needs to do something to promote this server, the only people who join are regulars. Eventually they will grow tired of IW again and it'll die.
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