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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. +1 totally agree 10/10 no seriously, yeah. do this please. at least for zombies killing humans, yo. Like, we need the kill assist count as kills too, would make the game to Hard to Normal. OR Deliver the killing bow to those who inflict more damage. PS:Make those assists/Killing Bow to Special ops AND Undead Legion. And ALSO, NECROSSIN, when I go damage a human and almost kill them, they suicide and I dont get my wanted kill, Do like ZS, If you damage a human and he suicides, HE DIES AND SHOWS MY NAME AS KILL. I don't agree with the killing blow going to the person who did the most damage. At all. What if a zombie hurt a guy a lot, but he kills him and gets away to regain health, but a bones follows him and manages to shoot him down. Doesn't he deserve that kill? I think assists for humans would be a bit wierd, since you generally don't need help taking down an undead. I think there should be a rewarding system for marking a human as a Warghoul, and possibly draining suit energy with the hellraiser. Also: Try to fix the 'armorbug'. And don't say it doesn't exist, because you're not supposed to get instantly killed by the behemoth. If you are, you should fix the bug where people survive the shots. They should make this: GREENCOINS MANAGEMENT >2GC For marking Human as warghoul >5GC For Killing Human >2GC For Damaging 100hp ammount in Humans >1GC For Killing a Sacrifical Baby >20GC For Surviving Round as Human >1GC For each 20hp Healing >2GC For Each Undead killed >3GC For each Turret destroyed >5GC For each achievement >1GC For each ammunition Gave SERIOUS FIXES >Fix Killstealing >Fix Armor Bug >Fix Damaging humans and then they suicide and I dont get the kill because it appears (DEATH)*Player* >Fix Spawnprotection (Yesterday I killed 5 people using bones in less than 30 seconds because of Spawnprotection Godmode -rui_troia > 2GC for marking one human? Maybe 1 GC. > You already get 3GC for killing a human. > Meh, not sure. > Not sure about this one, I think the achievements are enough. > No. > That's a lot of GC per human, if the average human that you heal is at 20 Hp, you pretty much get 3+ GC per human healed. > You already get 1 GC for killing undead. > Meh. > Achievements are for bragging rights + unlocks, why would you get GC for them. > Pretty much guaranteed 5 GC every round. > There is no killstealing in IW, all that ZS assist stuff made you all a bunch of pussies. > The armor bug is pretty much the one of the only things that prevents the gangbang on the behemoth, I would like to keep it. > This one makes sense. > That's what you get for spawnkilling, but the spawnprotection does seem pretty random sometimes. All these >'s man. EDIT: I would like to see a little reward for damaging humans though.
  2. Gameserver: Garry's Mod - Infected Wars Age: 17 Country of Origin: The Netherlands Link to Steam Community: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hundred2/ Little something about myself: Well it's been One/Two year(s) since the of the beloved Infected Wars server, a while after that I dropped my previous admin rights because ZS didn't turn out the way that I expected to be. However thanks to NECROSSIN, Infected Wars has been resurrected and has a chance of becoming very popular again, and thus I decided to re-apply for admin rights. Infected Wars had been one of my favorite game modes, I was there when it grew and I was there when it died. And it would be great to be able to once again administrate and purge remove the griefing/exploiting players from the server. I've been a admin for this gamemode before, and I may have made some stupid mistakes in the past but it's been one/two years since then and I have learnt from those mistakes (Hopefully ). I also noticed that a lot of the old regulars returned to this resurrected server and they are people I am familiar with, always handy to have a administrator who knows old players as I would say. Anyway, I'm almost-always online during the midday/evening during work/schooldays and pretty much online 24/7 during weekends, in event of a server-shattering emergency people can easily contact me on steam. My banning-policy is simple, kick once, 2nd offence results in a ban (duration depending on what type of offence, hacking is a permaban). Anyway, that was the semi wall of text, it's all up to the TC now. Cheers, Hundred2
  3. I think some of the exploit blocks are still there, I think Navo managed to jump into a exploit block.
  4. That manor map gave me a Infected Wars flashback for some reason.
  5. Hundred2

    Crysis 3

    Because a nuked ruin wouldn't be fun to fight through.
  6. I was planning to hate Diablo III. But my Hatred was too low joke
  7. It's impossible to prevent people from using X-ray. You can catch them and ban them though. EDIT: I used up my 3,000th post in this topic.
  8. If you actually read his post, you'd read that he didn't blame the admins.
  9. Everyone knows true skilled warriors fight with randomspread, crits and randomdamage to give those noobish rookies a chance, we can't slaughter them 24/7 can't we.
  10. Hundred2

    Crysis 3

    Explosive arrow tips would be cool.
  11. Hundred2

    Crysis 3

    Why is he using a bow. To kill hyper-advanced aliens.
  12. So it appears again even faster. Good idea. That's bullshit a myth/lie.
  13. 25 ping jwz
  14. Too much effort. Sorry for wasting the key, not that you could have use it.
  15. When was this beta ending again. I had a beta key but I totally forgot about it because the launcher had to spend ages downloading the files.
  16. If i buy it, is it then ready? You buy it, it gets added to your steam library, and then you can download it. Easy peasy.
  17. Achtung, eins zwei drei auf links.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nobana


      The spoilers just keep pouring in.

    3. Kefeus


      Mass Effect prides itself on having multiple choices, rich history and deep characters. However, the ending just throws it all in the trash bin and says "space magic for everyone".

      Still, it's a good game.

    4. The Lazy Peon

      The Lazy Peon

      Please post a spoiled next time. What the fuck.

  18. Just managed to get this running on Origin. http://i.imgur.com/Ew5p4.jpg

    1. Hundred2


      (Now let's hope the game doesn't suck)

    2. Tennisballesser


      How the fuck ........

    3. SDK


      Korean vpn? I'm jelly, waiting for my hard copy

  19. A truce is when two factions at war lay down their weapons for a while, this does not mean peace. A alliance is when two factions decide to help eachother in times of war.
  20. XxXxXzZzZzDreamzKillerzxzSniperQuickzScoupzzzXxXxXzZzZzCammeh13 That's just overdoing it. ^4XxX^7He^3ll^1pwn^9er^1el1te^4XxX
  21. This, however, is a trick.

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