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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. Hundred2

    new map

    No enchantments. No potions. Fox only. Final Destination.
  2. Sounds cool , I'll do some more research into it. Thanks.
  3. Looks strong and handsome. I'm thinking of picking this game up because I heard it differs from WoW, because it focuses less on grinding xp all of the time. Is this true?
  4. Hundred2

    NECROSSINs bday

  5. All I see are bad attempts to provoke Godshand + a shitty wallhack. + You have edited the video so it's easy to pick out the parts that make Godshand look unprofessional. Oh and I downloaded the video just for when you try to take it down now.
  6. Put it on classic and turn the dynamic movement off. There you go CS:S non-moving crosshair.
  7. They become jealous and leave because of your moobs. Obviously.
  8. Tried playing on a Zombie Escape map, knockback wasn't enough so it sucked. Good to see that the custom gamemodes are coming back so fast though.
  9. Nope.
  10. Looks okay.
  11. Loved the trailer, pretty stupid the CT's both used the German and English language though. But the ending, what a twist!
  12. Tried to preorder CS:GO, suddenly steam said I already own the game. What is this I'm scared :c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptor


      Good thing I pre-ordered it last week. Time to get my special TF2 Item :D

    3. hulpje


      bought yesterday, instantly downloaded beta, good game

  13. Day 3 is here!
  14. why is it dumb? most people like to see stuff like this. Shock120, this is a Faction Wars video, we have a Minecraft Faction Wars server. Thus the topic is "relevant" to our community. Even if it's something you don't like, he's still allowed to post it here.
  15. Medal of Honor: Underground. PS1 shooter with controls that sure took its time to get used to.
  16. Your equation was suggesting nonsense about a MMO .
  17. During the comic they talk about that the robots run on heaps of money, and that the mercs can keep it if they destroy the robots. During the comic they also say that Mr. Hale won't be giving the weapons for free to his mercs, they can pay for the weapons themselves. Kill robots -> Get money -> Buy better weapons/upgrades, like in National Socialist Walking Undead.
  18. How dare you speak sinful over our Glorious Spiritual Liege GabeN The Great. Burn this man.
  19. http://www.teamfortr...m/mvm/machines/ Scroll down to the "Sentry buster" and find a new strat You still have 5 other engineers with shotguns.
  20. I already made a strategy for this. 6 player engineer team.
  21. Somehow I expected a conversation like this.
  22. ..you go on, in the darkness, with no light, and the slender man following you. Have a nice time. D:
  23. What happens when your flashlight dies? Instantdeath ?
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