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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. Hundred2

    Day Z

    Because real men brave the Ural, and never give up.
  2. Hundred2

    Day Z

    Which will probably end up in player 2 looting player 1 and getting shot as well .
  3. Words cannot describe my happiness right now , all that is left is the market gardener. EDIT: Market Gardener is mine! The Dream Loadout is done!
  4. Soldier. ✓ ✓ ✓ (No. 7038) Strange ✓ + Kills while rocket jumping counter.✓ +Critical rocket kills counter ✓ Strange ✓ Strange ✓ Probably very hard to finish since the strange manthreads are worth 3 keys and that's just stupid. Therefore I can replace the manthreads with either my Vintage Gunboats/Strange shotgun. EDIT: Got the crit kills counter EDIT2: Strange Manthreads GET. EDIT3: Strange Market Gardener GET.
  5. Warhammer 40k: Sphess Mareen for 5 bucks, why the fuck not.

  6. 111hidef1 was confused about the actions of a admin, makes a topic. Awesomeo and 111hidef1 finish this peacefully, discussion was over. And yet you guys still have to make the "ABOOSE" joke as if the OP was just whining about it without any kind of reason. I cannot see the humor if it was a joke, you guys look like complete asshats now.
  7. Hundred2

    Day Z

    lol paranoia.
  8. You can send PM's to Minecraft admins on the forums. (Corby and Awesomeo)
  9. Where the hell did it say that. I was gonna say, I dont remember that being brought up at all. You promised us remember?
  10. But Dr. Pannenkoek, there is no such amount of money in the world!
  11. And get your ass handed to you because it totally isn't obvious what you are planning to do when you smash your glass. Seriously what the fuck? How would you know what my intentions are? take you're pshyco analysis somewhere else kiddo , you have no idea who is on the other end of the line.. Are you threatening me, or bragging about your violent nature? How cute. Anyhow, imagine if you did break your glass, last time I checked a glass being smashed to pieces makes a very distinctive sound, one that attracts attention. The black guy looks at where the sound came from, and sees you staring at him with a broken glass in your hands, you ofc looking all "tough guy plz be scared of me". Even the dumbest human on earth can guess what your intentions are.
  12. There is no correct answear. But i will tell my gf to file sexual assault charges, because he's black so he'll automatically be found guilty. This man understands how the legal system works.
  13. *sniff* so beautiful. Not like people really care if you "gave her your heart" if the guy wants to molest her. and terminator's plan would end up in getting his own ass kicked. Im sorry son. Also Zunz, join the club.
  14. And get your ass handed to you because it totally isn't obvious what you are planning to do when you smash your glass. But if you DO manage to stab him, enjoy your assrape in jail EDIT: I'd chill with the nigga because he obviously enjoys quality ass, which I can appreciate, and we can have long talks about chicks with nice asses. It's just a friendship waiting to happen.
  15. Nothing because beating up disabled pictures is mean.
    1. terminator


      That thing was long as a mother fucker..

      inb4 thats what she said

    2. Reap3r
    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Seems like I didn't get any expressions about it. What is this game?

  16. BF3 Premium looks tempting as fuck. The CQC looks pretty good, and the Armored kill just looks amazing. BUT. It's EA. EDIT2: Probably going to sell my soul anyway. fuck the haters
  17. *average video game level you mean. EA one was dissapointing, the only cool game was Sim City 5.
  18. Why not. Anyway. I'm only looking forward to the Microsoft one, the way they humiliate themselves every year is always amazing.
  19. Hundred2

    Day Z

    Arma Combined ops is Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead. You can also get Arma 2 free to play + Arrowhead but I'm not sure if that works as well as just owning Combined Ops.
  20. Manly tears were shed at the status update below mine.

    1. Raptor


      Hold your tears, the post is gone, mate.

    2. TechnoNegro
  21. sector6 and ventilation.
  22. Not sure if you're too stupid to see that this guy is obviously making fun of people who think that drinking is cool. Or you're just being ironic about it too. EDIT: Topic has seriously derailed.
  23. You were playing in the new zs, which was only released like 3 or 4 months ago or something Technically that is old zs. Your history of zs is disgracefull. That's a joke right. That is not Old ZS at all.
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