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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. The what trick will do what? Cant log in to Battlelog, "my account isnt allowed to login". I guess I need the game first.
  2. A bit simple, but I guess it'll have to do.
  3. FUCK *edit* Luckily no source so it might be fake. *edit2* http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/battlefield-3/1210517p1.html Good bye anticipation What. The. Fuck. Did they actually change Karkand into something shitty just so some fucking kids could play RUSH on it?! What the fuck again. No commorose? Didnt they say it would be included? (Didnt read the gamespy review)
  4. Yeah, I wonder why they filmed the ammo belt.
  5. Just gona post this again since I doubt most people even noticed it being here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eedRhcpOsuU&feature=player_embedded& Discuss.
  6. In short terms, the package Technonegro assembled sucks. Schreffy3, you should ask in our IRC channel. Press the chat button in the top of the screen.
  7. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157263 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103851 Wait what. A motherboard which costs 260$ and a GPU which costs only 137$? You got your priorities wrong. The prices should be the other way around. Correct me if Im wrong but wouldnt it be better if mobo was around 100 bucks, and you split the extra 160$ betweem GPU and CPU?
  8. Best TV game commercial. Ever. Is it real? Or is it Battlefield 3? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eedRhcpOsuU&feature=player_embedded&
  9. Since many players (me included) are unsatisfied that your Origin ID is also your BF3 name, EA has made it possible to change your Origin ID. http://www.origin.com/us/change-id
  10. :[ Haha! Finland release is October 27th!
  11. Moga, dont quote the whole fucking message. Gee. Friends say its a good co-op game.
  12. Same issue. Hope they will fix that soon. I mean I didnt pre-order from Origin, so I havent even got the email from them. I think that g2play.net wont send me the serial before 25th.
  13. I cant even pre-load before 25th.
  14. Wow, I didnt know they use real persons, at least from 00:34 to 00:40 there's a guy who has Glenn Morshower's voice and face/appearance. E: Anyways, singleplayer looks neat, might even play it at some point.
  15. I'll pick one from the dogtag "dlc" which I bought with Specact kit. WANT TO GET YOUR NAME TO THE CREDITS OF BATTLEFIELD 3? Ever played Gulf of Oman, yes? Good! DICE needs to find a name to a control point in Gulf of Oman. Because it has changed a bit from Battlefield 2, it cant be called "Rock Fort" anymore. Name it and claim it!
  16. HDD needed on Xbox to play it on HDD. DVD-only will be able to play only "SD" graphics. First pic of the server tool released. List of all dogtags right here. Some look pretty fucking neat.
  17. "Did you know that if we had an empty 9mm casing for every shot fired in the Open Beta, we would have enough brass to melt and build almost 3,900 SU-27 Flanker jets? Okay, Flankers are not made out of brass, but still. For more stats and figures, check out the pic below. And thanks again for playing and helping make Battlefield 3 a better game at launch!"
  18. Nobana

    Max Payne 3

    That bold fatso sure aint Max Payne and looks nothing like him/Sami Järvi.
  19. Doesnt look like Karkand, but maybe its the lightning. Just because you wont be able to play it on USA release, you're gona download it? Why order a hard copy then, you idiot? How do you even know that Origin pre-orderers will be able to play it on 25th? The email is only about pre-downloading, not about the day you can play it.
  20. 56 minutes of gameplay on Operation Firestorm with commentary, footage from GeForce LAN 6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAfQNX14rCY&feature=player_embedded
  21. No kidding? Usually in games if someone shoots you with a silenced gun, the blood arrow doesnt appear, because you cant hear where you're being shot from.
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