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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Better than helloworld? Hah, impossible!
  2. No need for a new thread for one new map suggestion. You could've just posted this to the map thread and we would've tested it. Download link, please?
  3. Nope, i'm 4 +- 10 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 4 = 14 Objection! By placing the +- together your proposing two different outcomes within a mathematics equation. If you were to write the quadratic equation on the internet that's how you'd do the "-b+-" part. so technically your age ranges from 14-24 (Which we know is not correct?). To correct your maths you would place the - in front of the 10. (I understand other countries math is done differently, but that's ours) By simply moving the - closer to the number 10 would not change anything. If you were to sum 4 into -10, you would have to add parentheses around the number -10, turning the part of the equation to 4+(-10). (At least thats what you do here)
  4. Sharqi Peninsula is quite bullshit. Spawnraping all the time, especially when spawning to TV Station. When you add a team full of fucking morrons just camping on the TV Station roof, you get the worst fucking map ever. Somehow these things werent a problem in BF2/didnt occur in BF2.
  5. Oh right, the event was during this evening. TF2, meh.
  6. Sucker. E: I dont snipe(in case that wasnt obvious enough).
  7. When you get a hold of air vehicles, you dont want to stop playing with them.
  8. How fast does it start to hover? Like, start hover > hovering after 1second? Or as in BF2 where it took like few hundred meters to start hovering(which is way better).
  9. It's still shit. if one asshole stinger engineer comes in range, you're dead meat... They should make the f-35 have faster flares regen, or atleast make it so it doesnt get blown the fuck up when 1 stinger hits it... I agree with Zunz here. I mean, F35's were fucking awesome in BF2(havent tried them in BF3), and judging by what I've read they suck now, why turn them from good to worst? Also, how fast do they start hovering from full speed? They took a long time to do that, which was good. The other way around dude. At least choppers handled way better in BF2, and were more difficult to fly.
  10. Its 9.50(21.50) in Finland you fool, we're at GMT+2. We'll see if I'll be there, I might have clan battles at that time, and Im not a keen TF2 player anyways, dont have it installed atm anyways.
  11. 7.50? Where do you live in, USA? You probably mean 19.50? What timezone? I cant say whether I'll be there or not based on thin information like this.
  12. How about the size of Sharqi compared to BF2, seemed to be smaller judging by videos? Also, that was a problem in BF2 also, you just gotta capture it back(requires a really well organized squad or two) or win the round without a chopper, which is as hard as you would imagine(or at least wasnt in BF2), since its an CQB map mainly.
  13. Tried Wake and Oman. They looked nice at least, didnt have time for deeper analysis. No motivation to play BF3 anyways.
  14. Meh, quite usual in 1000tick servers.
  15. Nobana

    The Last Of Us

    Seems interesting, we'll see how the gameplay turns out to be.
  16. Horses are the best ! They climb those mountains like a boss ! You can climb mountains without horse, but with more control to where you are going. Just spam your spacebar. Horses are so mucb better climbers than the player alone, travelling without one is horrible. And it is way faster.
  17. Gee, where do you base these assumptions on. No I dont have the Russian version, why the hell would I want a Russian version, besides it would've been only 5€ cheaper.
  18. Who said Im getting a black screen? The game crashes after 30 seconds of playing. I find your comment very stupid. Yeah the underlining really make you sound more convincing. Going to install 64bit W7 this weekend(as I said earlier). PS. Its the game developers job to fix problems which appear in their own game.
  19. Well this completely depends on the map. The terrains shape of the map really affects on the effiency of the chopper; the best chopper maps are Caspian Border and OP Firestorm, because the terrain allows you to fly low and avoid the missiles(make them hit objects and hilltops when you fly low enough) since there is a lot of trees and shit in Caspian, and silos, buildings and hilltops in Firestorm. Of course "Below Radar" unlock helps too. Only fucking idiots fly the chopper high in the air. I consider flying a jet way more difficult than flying a chopper. Though one reason might be that I dont even have flares unlock on jets(which doesnt really help it or make it more fun). Also, screw you Zunz for finally taking my 1st place in Attack chopper kills in leaderboards. I blame the fact that I havent been able to play BF3 since the update(which was released maybe 2-4 weeks ago, am I right?).
  20. Zunz is right. How does that help? Flying a jet & chopper is way more cooler and requires more skill than tank-whoring or running & gunning.
  21. Re-installed the game and it still doesnt work. My friend says that he had the same thing after the update, but installing 64-bit Windows fixed it(I have 32 win7) and it was about not having enough memory because the 32-bit. Gona try that, I was gona re-install windows anyways.
  22. Meh, I'll probably pass. I have only played TF2 once, and that was like a year ago or so. Not my type of game.
  23. I have been 1hit1killed many times with TV missiles when i'm on tank. I don't hear any locking sounds what so ever, but i instantly die on heli which is using TV missiles. That isnt related to missiles bouncing off. And I havent 1shotted even one tank with the TV missile. people who fly And that are completely retarded? Air Radar is a must. (I am talking about jets) I use Stealth, or used to at least, I think I got laser painter now. Air radar is pretty useless imo. (I am talking about choppers)
  24. That's a good thing. But for Helicopter gunners? What about the pilot? That shit doesnt make any sense.
  25. Doesnt say if they fixed the problem where TV guided missiles bounce off an enemy choppers windshield, or from an enemy tank.
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