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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Im afraid it is. I dont mind. Since the Origin is only for clicking "Play BF3". Also, there you have to proof that it isnt EA's fault that BF3 wont be in Steam.
  2. Pre-ordered BF3. Feels great man.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VMR



    3. Nobana


      usuk, only 37€ in g2play.

    4. MrZunz


      \o/ pre-ordered aswell.

  3. Cant wait for it, the singleplayer is unique, I dont know any game with that kind of spawning "mechanism". Graphics are neat too.
  4. Just saw Avatar for the first time and IT WAS FUCKING AWESOMEEEEE!

    1. VMR


      fu, now I just had to watch it, and I'll only get 4 hours of sleep >.<

    2. Messy


      You watched it a bit late :P But yeah it would be wrong to not watch this awesomness.

    3. Botervloot


      I've seen "Avatar" back in 1995 when I was really younggg

  5. No more "get to the top rank in a week" -bullshit like in BC2, DICE promises years worth of unlocks and rewards in Battlefield 3! Does this mean we'll see the first game footage of BF3 conquest in the upcoming Gamescom(Germany August 17th-21st)? Lets hope so!
  6. Sitting in the bus, 2,5 hours left...

  7. Alpha is alpha test you idiot. That's why its Alpha, not Beta
  8. Whats the problem if you cant buy it through Steam? Why do you have to buy it from Steam, seriously? Just start it via Steam, I dont see the difference. Also, its 33€ in g2play.net, I doubt it would be cheaper in Steam. In which part of the conversation, did we even mension the BF3 Beta which comes in October? E: Also, why is the Russian Engineer equipped with American gas mask, THIS GAME IS SO UNREALISTIC.
  9. Argghhh, the amount of boredomness Im experiencing is too much. I wanna go hooome! Also, movie theater here sucks, they only got "Green Lantern" in 3D, FUCKING 3D!!

    1. Mathematic


      That movie sucks dick.

  10. Nobana

    Unban possible?

    Wait what. You got banned a YEAR ago, and you notice it now? YWA WHAT IS THIS
  11. It's THE shit. Yes, its totally shit.
  12. The graphics are nothing like in Crysis 2. Fuck the pictures.
  13. Thanks to NAVO, I also got the chance to try Alpha, and its amazing. Far more difficult and complex than BC2, guns & sounds are nice and got balls. Looks great on low settings (cant see the difference between High and Low, maybe I should've clicked "Apply"...), runs smoothly too. Also, I love jumping over ledges, its so smooth and beatiful. Tried all classes, fell in love with Support and it's bipods. A bit laggy, cant even imagine the awesomeness in Beta/full game. The map was nice, loved the CQB/metro part more than fighting outside. Didnt get to drive a tank though.
  14. Hoi, teretulemast tallinkille hyvä mies!


    1. Navo


      A good man I am

    2. Nobana



    3. Navo
  16. Its tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nobana


      Im living in the future. I dont expect you, creature of the past, to understand.

    3. Ywa
    4. Iulian


      that explains why planet earth exists...

  17. I thought this is just alpha. Also, that is not true:
  18. lol Clavus, each of those was funny

  19. Got a new phone, HTC Desire Z.

    1. Iulian


      Nice but it's so outdated :P! Still the best qwerty android phone , better the ChaCha

    2. Iulian
  20. First pictures of the BF3's Battlelog, EA's free answer to CoD Elite.
  21. Going to work soon, should probably eat and put some clothes on. 30min till starts

    1. TechnoNegro


      What did you eat? and what are you wearing?

  22. Loves the new look on the site

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