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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. Sounds cool, So anyone can make a faction surely there will be just loads of small factions running around?

    Then those small factions unite to destroy a bigger faction, and after doing so, they return to be enemies with each other. Think it like the Greek City-states during ancient history.

  2. Shameless "I stole something im cool" post here :V.

    Someone had to do it.

    Stole my current iPod from the local supermarket, oh, you mean music files...

    Just look for torrents which got good quality.

    Hello, im a badboy, i need spanking

    You can spank me any time...

  3. Allright people, start taking pictures, I dont wanna be the only one posting in here.

    Spent 4 days in Lapland skiing, slopes were great and the place was relatively empty, which was good. Sorry for the quality, took these with our small camera.




  4. Back to Karkand DLC, which you get free if you pre-order LE, contains the following maps:

    Wake Island, Strike at Karkand, Gulf of Oman and Sharqi Peninsula.

    If you dont pre-order the Limited Edition, you will have to wait a month after release to be able to buy the maps.

    I consider those as the best maps of Battlefield 2, and apparently so does DICE. Cant fucking wait, Im so pre-ordering the Limited Edition!

  5. Added the gameplay debut. Looks pretty darn good on my opinion. Maybe a bit too much shaking and that stuff. I would've liked it more simple, like BF2.

    [quote name='Squirrel-Dude' date='08 February 2011 - 23:07' timestamp='1297196039' post='67187'

    What was the point of capturing Berlin in WOII??

    What the hell is WOII?

    E: Yes I knew he ment WW2 but I didnt understand how could he typo the O in it.

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