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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. Lazy man

    And no, I just had to go to school. ISNT THAT WORSE ENOUGH :(

    No school = no education.

    Don't be stupid :(

    75% of the things you learn in school, you don't even need in your future life.

    That. Im gona do well in life even if I dont how an atom "splits". It splits anyway.

  2. Im too fucking tired to read the previous posts but I thought we already had this discussion, in IRC and forums?

    It's inevitable that this type of stuff pops up every now and then.

    It was long forgotten untill you bumped it.

  3. Im too fucking tired to read the previous posts but I thought we already had this discussion, in IRC and forums?

    Please stop. It will just turn out like before that everyone who smokes/-d weed is wrong and its super-addictive and worse than heroin and all that shit.

  4. Its free. For everyone on PC, and on consoles for those who bought their game as new and got the VIP code in it(no special editions needed).

    E: Right, you ment that should you buy the game? As Clavus mentioned, its awesome, even when played alone. And many people from the community got it so I expect that there is no need to play alone.

  5. And the multiplayer problems keep on rollin. During the first days after release, Black Ops was having a massive lag, caused by the poor servers provided by gameservers.com. The game didnt also work on all Dual- and Quadcore -processors. These were fixed quite fastly, and playing worked just fine on friday.

    New day, new problems.

    Now players all around the world are complaining about problems when joining servers. First of all, starting the game takes time in "connecting" and "fetching stats" -parts. Also, when searching for servers, you only get couple-twenty servers. And when connecting to a server, the game tilts and stops at the "Connecting" -part.

    Even though the game has been for sale only for few days, you would assume that "The best-selling first-person action franchise of all time" -game would be ready for playing since the first day.

    Official CoD Black Ops -forums are starting to get very interesting threads, like "GET THIS PISH SORTED !!!!", " I want my money back !!!! Crapy Onlinegaming", "Today is my birthday. Thanks for ruining it." and "What's Better? $60 or Call of Duty: Black Ops".

    On the other hand, in the back of the game box it says:

    Activision makes no guarantees regarding the availability of online play, and may modify or discontinue online service in its discretion without notice, including for example, ceasing online service for economic reasons due to a limited number of players continuing to make use of the service over time.


    E: My link doesnt seem to work so here's the video. Fits perfectly.

  6. Btw, when you make a thread about a game which isnt released yeat, you could add info to the 1st post as it is given by the game developers.

    -Developed by Easy-studio, same as Battlefield Heroes

    -Closed beta begins 30.11 and open beta in early 2011

    -Coming only for PC

    -Uses roughly modified Battlefield 2's engine

    -Free, but DLC's will cost

    -DLC's will mainly be cosmetic or will make getting XP easier

    -Character development will be a bit like in BF Heroes

    -Maps include at least a smaller version of Strike at Karkand, and some BC2 maps

    -Weapon classes will be Assault, Medic, Recon and Engineer

    -16 different vehicles, example; Mi-28, F35, T-90 and lighter vehicles

    -You can fully edit the appearence of your character

    -No info about dedicated servers but will at least contain BF Heroes-like matchmaking system

    -Uses the same money system with BF Heroes, money unit will be Battlefunds

    Dont see a point in doing that becuse he gave a link to the website ;)

    If you had boughtered going to the website, you would see that there is no info at all.

  7. New map pack which will finally contain totally new maps! As before, the map pack is free on PC, and requires the VIP-code on consoles. No release date has been published, but will most likely be withing few weeks.

    The 7th map-pack contains two updated most popular maps from Bad Company 1, Oasis and Harvest Day and with those, there are also two maps taken from BC2's singleplayer; Cold War and Heavy Metal.


  8. Btw, when you make a thread about a game which isnt released yeat, you could add info to the 1st post as it is given by the game developers.

    -Developed by Easy-studio, same as Battlefield Heroes

    -Closed beta begins 30.11 and open beta in early 2011

    -Coming only for PC

    -Uses roughly modified Battlefield 2's engine

    -Free, but DLC's will cost

    -DLC's will mainly be cosmetic or will make getting XP easier

    -Character development will be a bit like in BF Heroes

    -Maps include at least a smaller version of Strike at Karkand, and some BC2 maps

    -Weapon classes will be Assault, Medic, Recon and Engineer

    -16 different vehicles, example; Mi-28, F35, T-90 and lighter vehicles

    -You can fully edit the appearence of your character

    -No info about dedicated servers but will at least contain BF Heroes-like matchmaking system

    -Uses the same money system with BF Heroes, money unit will be Battlefunds

  9. Oh man, the SP is so bad.

    Because the AI is so horrible, they decided to just give them aimbots and zero spread on their weapons. Leet actions (Shooting a MP5 on a zipline) pushed down your throat, infinite bots randomly running at you, your team never moving up, friendly soldiers constantly running in front of your crosshairs, storyline that DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER.

    MW2 was way, way better.

    Switch to lower difficulty, singleplayer games arent about epeen, theyre about the enjoyment.

    Played it on the lowest difficulty myself to maximize the movielike effect :V

    Anyhow, just reached lv16 in multiplayer, meaning that now I can attach my awesome Donald Duck emblem on my guns! :D

    Seal of approval here


    Will this do? What do you mean by "No"? What's wrong with it?

  10. I sense asskissing thread.

    There are no girls in this community.

    What if they people you know were girls?

    Then I would choose at least some of the Swedish.

    Good choice, sir. They're the closest things to girls.(Inside joke, its fun because Im from Finland. Finnish dont like Swedish, get it? No offense lol)

  11. The single players in the CoD series never managed to let me down however, so that's pretty much the only one side of the game I'm looking forward to.


    Even though Im waiting for multiplayer too. MW2 multiplayer sucked, thats a fact. But I think this will be better, since some little things have been fixed.

  12. Dude what the fuck, listen to yourself. You got banned because spawnkilling, and so did the rest, some for telecamping.

    I see the ban is 1d, because acting like an ass and insulting admins. I assume.

  13. man... it isnt that hard to become an admin.. if i see how many admins we have..

    i could ban also every person who bans me and just make up a reason

    Go ahead, you do that.

    E: Why am I posting here? Werent ban/unban topics only allowed for people involved?

    +1 postcount

  14. protip: Kick before you ban

    That doesnt work, been there, done that. They'll just do it again on the next day(or if they're really dumb, they'll rejoin and do it).

    btw what i did wasnt camping i just killed you .. you should have played and not stand still

    Oh and btw. You've been spawnkilling like hell lately, I saw you 2 days back while it was surf_rebels_reloaded3, and you spawnkilled dispite our warnings. Bastinator didnt ban you then because he didnt see it happen.

    And in that map, you cant spawnkill without meaning to do so.

    Btw, 30min ban. Get over it.

  15. Bastinator tells every round that "Spawnkilling and telecamping will not be tolerated and will result in a 30min ban". Sometimes he says it twice or more during one round. I dont know how you missed it.

    Just because some maps are easy to spawnkill/telecamp in, doesnt mean its allowed.

    Derr there's a shit ton of 30 minute bans.....looks like someone isn't giving warnings... D:

    yeah .. ive been playing this game for long time.. and this is the first time it happend..

    "Looks like someone isnt giving any warnings? Whats that suppose to mean? I dont see you on the surf server, so how could you know what kind of admin Bastinator is?

  16. Black Ops failed. Steyr AUG was developed in the start of 1970's and was introduced in 1979.

    But still in Black Ops they use it 10 years earlier. How's this possible?

    I asked this question on a forum full of miltairy experts, and they came to the conclusion that Black Ops was correct, somehow.

    Well it just isnt correct. I'd like to see these "military experts"(No I wouldnt).

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