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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. A ) Game is fun and full of action.

    B ) Squad system sucked. They have put the squad system from the console version of BC2 into the PC version of BF3. Stupid and shitty.

    This means you cant select the squad you join in, but it automatically puts you into a squad. If you dont like the squad you're into or want to join your friends squad, you cant do that because the game throws you back to the squad you left from.

    C ) Defenders are allowed to go to the attackers spawnarea, unlike in BC2. Stupid and shitty.

    D ) Well, you know my opinion about Battlelog.

  2. why can my gtx 260 even play it on ultra with anti aliasing off ?

    The beta doesnt have Ultra graphics. Just like the alpha had only low/medium when it showed High, the beta has medium/high even if it shows Ultra.

    Can't join any servers anymore ! Any1 else got the problem ? Maybe it has got to do with the nvidia driver error it always tells me that my driver version is too old but i tried to install the bf3 driver.. always get error ... was able to play earlyer tough .. durr.

    Or maybe it has something to do with Battlelog. I sure hope that indeed isnt the final version of it.

  3. Those who say Battlelog is faster than using an in-game browser are so wrongfull of shit. This thing sucks is complete fucking bullshit and I would rather play Modern Warfare 2 than trying to use Battlelog.






    Rush sucks horsecock. Its the worst game mode in any game in the history of mankind.

    And playing any game of the Battlefield-franchise is impossible without two proper squads(since DICE decided no 6-man squads).

  5. Also, can we agree that no one posts any of their cool screenshots here since now everyone can actually play it, which was not the case in Alpha.

    But people can still post their opinions of the beta.

    Oh also people could also post their origin names just to make finding and adding other people easier.

    Mine's darkstar563

    Yes of course, I just dont like waiting for the huge pictures to load and make the page jump(if you know what I mean).

    My name's T4R3(I fucking hope that isnt my BF3 name, I'll kill myself if it is).

  6. PS3 gamers will get all DLC packs one week earlier than other platforms.

    General beta info:

    * 2-3 GB beta client

    * Netcode is totally new

    * Battlelog can be updated without patching the game so we can get new stuff faster

    * No level limit @ beta

    * Caspian Border is not the biggest map

    * Next 1-3 weeks will be talking about new maps

    * Auto heal on all vehicles after 10-15sec

    * Can't join as a squad if team is full so Battlelog groups don't get split

    * No weather + time changing in game

    * No jet bombs(fuck you DICE)

    * Battlelog application for iPhone

    * You can use 3 screens if you have enough graphic power

    * E-sports is a focus for BF3

    * No comment for BattleRecorder

    * Battlelog will unlock beta on client so no keys for pre-order if you have origin order + Medal of Honor

    * Unlocks are for weapons not for classes. You can't unlock red dot on gun1 and use it on gun 2

    * Pre-load info will come in a few days

    * Metro got changed that' why they want to test balance again

    * You can not change the posters in game to make clan publicity

    * You have more then 1 knife animation. On the ground you can NOT counter knife

    * Beta will not start at 00:00

    * Beta was never delayed ( the date )

    * You can not UPDATE alpha client you need a full download

    * You can join with friends on a server

    * Friendly fire is On default settings

    * Mod tools are still CONSIDERED

    * You can not cook grenades(DICE you suck again)

    * Vehicles auto regeneration ONLY under 75%

    * Ranked servers can be changed to unranked but same price

    * When you get kicked you can see the reason in the Battleblog

    * there will be more info the next weeks

    * Some community events will be held during the beta

    * About 300 workers @ DICE

  7. PC beta ready for distributing, waiting Sony and Microsoft to accept terms. May take few weeks.


    Regarding the beta on PC, it is ready, but many require a beta preparations, DICE is working to accelerate these preparations with Microsoft and Sony. Once these are completed, the beta will begin.

    Other source

  8. From myself:

    I tried flash suppressor and flettche ammo in BF3 alpha

    Flash supressor - nothing really special

    Flettche ammo - pretty good fo indoor combat

    I found flash supressor quite usefull. Really made the aiming easier then the flash wasnt filling your screen, didnt show where you are was a good plus too.

  9. My only real problem with BF3 right now is bloody Origin.

    Same, and it might be the reason for me not to buy it. With accepting the terms of agreement you almost agree to them sapping and indexing your brain. :angry:

    What do you mean? Did you not read that they updated the Origin EULA?

  10. as nice as the game looks on its high and mighty 64 bit system im gona lol everytime you have to relaunch the game to change server.

    Game had so much potential, but as allways consoles ruin the pc(masterace)experience.

    It has been confirmed that you can ALT+TAB instead closing the game. Old news.

  11. I have no doubt the gameplay will be awesome. The cosmetic stuff, if you can call the lack of in-game browser/etc that, aint that bad and will not make me consider cancelling my order even once.

    The repair thing kind of sucks imo, mostly because I think it doesnt belong to Battlefield, but I'm sure it will make my jet-whoring even more awesome.

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