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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. *Read above*

    *Read above*

    Most of us atheists simply belive in logics, and physics. Nothing else. God couldn't have existed, it's physically impossible.

    Uhm. It's physically impossible? I dont recall sciense every trying to proof that God's existance is physically impossible? There's nothing impossible in it.

  2. The man created "God" because they wanted someone to belie in. They wanted to have answers on anything.

    Bah, dont yell at EmRA. He is a nice guy, who has his own thoughts. He just wants to belive in someone, like all other in past.

    And why is EmRA the guy whos wrong in here?

    Its all you atheists who want to have answers on everything, doesnt it go like "Sciense is always right and nothing that has been believed for thousands of years is real"?

    I think all you atheists want to believe something, and you dont accept anything supernatural because you think its impossible. And whats that "like all others in the past" is suppose to mean? Are you saying that everyone who believes in God these days is either stupid or wrong?

    I understood your comment quite offensive against everyone of us who believes in something.

  3. For gods sake, 2nd time today.

    Bumbing old topics isnt illegal or stupid. Making new ones is. So if you wanna continue talking about UFO's, do it in the UFO thread I linked above. If you want to talk about the space and stuff, do it in... uhm.. here.

    I personally would love to see advancements with NASA's space program which allows people (normal people, you and me) to for instance live on the moon.

    Didnt they start that "Space-Hotel" project or something? Or was it just the space flight for tourists?

  4. Explain a bit more this topic.

    And, this sounds similar to the religion topic.

    And there was already a topic about science things(maybe the old religious one with its paranormal activity, or another), no?

    (Edit after seeing your answer): Then why did you make this topic and didn't used Danni's topic (just ask Error to reopen it :V )

    Only found this and the Relig. & paranormal act.

    Scrolled the pages in Paranormal activity thread, and it is the one with 2 pages about universes and stuff.

    Thanks ERROR!(Please dont hit me).

    ERROR: *Hits Nobana*

  5. Your 'arguments' are loose assertions and tenuous facts you've strung together by watching your television and using google.

    The best tool you have is right inside your head. Learn to use it and maybe you'll become a bit more popular and your arguments may begin to make logical sense rather than being a bombardment of trivial facts.

    Uhm. I understand. Just to let you know, no Google or TV used, kthxbye. And I dont know why I would want to become a bit more popular.

    You know, you got no more proof than I have. So all this that you're saying, can just as well be used against you.


    E: First ontopic respond from me.

    I consider myself an atheist, which Im not. I do believe in God/Higher power/Mr. Allmighty/Creator of heavens. Its like to have some sort of simple explanation for everything.

    I dont really believe in Heaven or Hell, but I do believe that something does happen after death. Rebirth? Maybe, I always imagine it like Heaven, that some day I can be a "spectator" in all this, just like my passed away relatives are.

  6. A black hole won't transport you to another dimension, it simply transfers your mass energy back into the universe as pure energy.

    An engine running on nuclear blasts might reach the star nearest to us (other than the sun) in say, 400000 years

    Argh, no shit? I kinda dont have the time to translate >400 lines of text into English just to explain to you what Im saying. And by the way, with the power of small nuclear explosions, it would take less than 50 years to reach the nearest star(not Sun). This engine will produce the speed 10% of light speed.

    Get your facts straight.


    Where's the proof we can't go faster?

    Here they are. You're welcome.

  7. I am expressing my opinion that even if people start working towards it tomorrow (which they won't), we will never develop faster than light travel and/or explore the universe.

    Uhm, did you really study this matter. They are exploring possibilities to do this.

    For example, studying how to create wormholes, you must create a stable black hole to do so, but how? They are also working on possible engine choises, like engines working with small nuclear blasts exploding 5 times per second.


    What about the 3 Billion people living in poverty without these delightful creations. Is humanity just going to rush off into an exciting future and leave half its population behind?

    You cant seriously try to say that space travelling is impossible because poverty in some countries?

    Back on track to the religion? Though I'll keep responding to your comments most likely.

  8. In the future, we may be flying faster than anything(exept light). Creating our own speeds as we please!

    Back on religion, not technology.

    The thread has evolved into an interesting and thought-provoking debate. Deal with it.

    I'll believe this theoretical future when I see it. But I ask you this, light is energy. It is a pure form of energy that can move without friction or deceleration. How could something possibly be faster than light?

    Uhm, I think it was sarcasm. Deal with it.

    Theoretical future? Why is our assumptions theoretical future and yours arent?

  9. In the future, we may be flying faster than anything(exept light). Creating our own speeds as we please!

    Back on religion, not technology.

    Fixed. And agreed.

    @ Crowbar, who knows what humanity will be able to do in future? Certainly not me or you, none of us.

  10. Humanity will never be able to cross the galaxy, let alone leave it. Consider this first, then remember that even the galaxy is impossibly small compared to the universe.

    To reach the same level of knowledge we have about the solar system when it comes to the universe, we would have to study every star and every galaxy. We're talking more stars than there are bytes of data on the internet. Humanity will never, don't kid yourslef on this one, humanity WILL NEVER have the technology to comprehend our universe. Surely a significant entity in the universe would be able to understand the space it occupies?

    Are you really sure about that?

    People used to think we couldn't fly.

    They thought you were crazy if you even said you could go faster then the speed of sound.

    Ofcourse we will never understand our universe it's to large for that, but I think we can atleast travel inside the galaxy. ( Galaxy = milky way , if thats what you mean, but never around the entire universe)

    I disagree with Crowbar and agree with Hundred. If you would have studied it, you would have known that humanity will be possible to have technology needed to travel between galaxies. Maybe not in 100 years, maybe not in 500 years, but some day humanity will have the techology needed.

    Just think about how much techology has improved in a time no longer than 50 years. We got computers, beepers small phones that can do almost anything.

    All this would have imagined impossible only 100 years ago. But today, we couldn't live without them.

  11. Dear Nobana,

    Stop being a tard and use the original thread, which I've now closed as reference for discussion in this thread.

    Yours Sincerely,

    ERROR 401

    EDIT: Youre the one who's being useless by bumping an old topic, people are perfectly fine to put what they think twice, and if theyre feeling lazy about it, they can simply post their original content, and besides the original one was about Religion AND Paranormal Activity. Whereas this one is just about Religion.

    K boss.

    I just dont get why must there be another thread about same stuff, just because the other thread is old? Is it illegal to bump old topics, so you must create a new one? And when you say that this thread is a nice little conversation with no flaming, why couldn't it be in the old thread.

    Excuse me for not realizing your point.

  12. You know. These topics always boil down to this

    • Atheists are murderers, they support abortion, and don't give money to charity
    • Religious people are murderers, they suicide bomb and kill for their religion.

    Just this for 10 pages long. Until it ends in a massive flamewar.

    But what i say is: Believe what you want, but dont force someone to believe the same thing as you do.

  13. Couple of terrorists =/= every religious person on earth

    Seriously, whats with blaming religion over everything? Religion doesn't make you more easily offended or more angry, it's about the person itself. Say something bad about big bang/something else atheist related to an atheist and you're pretty much guaranteed to start a shitstorm. Same goes for religious people.

    Agreed. Its like blaming all of Earth's Islamese people of 9/11. They didnt have anything to do with it but still in every bombing, No.1 suspect is arabic if possible.

  14. Doublepost who cares.

    Anyway, just played 5 hours of singleplayer. Havent touched anything else than Campaign so far.

    Its good, maybe a bit less awesome than Halo 3, maybe because the theme and such? Halo 3 was more "revolutionary" in its day. Still, I dont have anything bad to say about it.

    After I finished Campaign(maybe on Friday?), Im gona try matchmaking and Forge.

  15. PS. I dont recall having your facebook?

    He does. He's had it for quite a while :P

    What I ment was that I dont have him as a friend in Facebook, and I would like to add him. Danni, whats your name?

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