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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. How can I put this gently...

    Why the fuck isnt the server changed back to Fun server? Its clear that people are losing interest in the DR maps, and the server player amount has been decreasing for some time now.

    Its not like you can do with the servers whatever you want.

    Maybe speak with Ywa instead of RALLYING THE CROWD like spartacus to take over the servers D:!

    But I like being like Spartacus :( And its not just me who would like Fun server more than DR.

  2. Why isnt the server changed back to Fun server? Its clear that people are losing interest in the DR maps, and the server player amount has been decreasing for some time now.

    I think we discussed this in the IRC just a few days ago...

    Well I'm sorry for not being there. So could someone brief me about what you talked about?

  3. Yeah me too :D, thats why i actully want to be removed. when u die/dont come further u have to wait like 10/12 minutes

    but its also a surf map for pro's so i get the people who want the challenge.

    *COUGH* Rounds timelimit is 5 minutes in that map.


    surf_vegetables (v2 or v1)

    To be honest i think this map is a Pain in the ass, becouse its pritty hard and most of the people always rtv when possible at this map.

    Hell naw, vegatables is the best surf skill map we have. It's just the odd one or two people that have a undying hatred of skill maps that rtv.

    Agreed with Dusty. Though I normally hate skill surf maps and never play them, maybe because I havent bothered to learn them, but still this(vegetables) map is fun.

    At the beginning, I couldnt pass some stages at all, now I get through them at first try.

    I've changed my opinion about "no skill maps to the server". Its good to have 1 or 2 skill maps, so people occasionally play/learn them.

    But the other skill map sucks arse(surf_omnibus?).

  5. nobana you do realise that not everyone can bhop to perfection? so faster jump/longerjump when they bhop, and also people must play on the server for a long time to get the right amount of coins so in wich case its fair.

    I cant bhop at all. So its not like I dont want people to be better than me at it. I just dont think its s good thing that regulars can have better settings than the new players.

  6. Nobana, you don't be a terrorist WITH THEM. You option to be it INSTEAD of them. So still 2/3 deaths, just those who WANTED to be death.

    Oh, so its kinda like reserved slots, but on the Terrorists team? Why didnt you say so?

  7. Deathrun -- Opting to be death

    Wait, what? I didnt get this. So people should pay to be dead?

    If they dont wanna play, they can join the spectators.

    He means opting to be a terrorist in deathrun. In Gmod deathrun they're called deaths rather than terrorists.

    Two terrorists per map is already enough. And in some maps the limit is 3 or 4 terrorists, which is too much, so I really dont support this idea.

    Longer jump so that if you buy it the ct can bhop faster?

    Would be too unfair.

    (Surf) Reduced falldamage (25% less ?)

    (Surf) Ammo regeneration

    (DR+Surf) Premium sounds (like admin sounds but you can buy them for coins)

    Anyway, I think that a long jump or "fast jump" (mentioned by BeatAlex) feature would get abused too much.

    Reduced falldamage sounds good, dont know about ammo, in some maps it would be good, in some, not so good.

    No opinion about the sounds.

  8. I like the old maps...

    But you need to remove some of the old one though.

    Then we only have 4 fun/minigames maps left, to be honest. We can't run a whole server on that.

    I can help with the searching, just name the map type.

    Are you stupid? I've stated already 6 times in this thread it's about fun & minigames maps.


    Like what fun maps? Multigames? Racing? Random shizzle with guns?

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