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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. Obama wants more troops in Irak etc.


    Its impossible to draw all forces out of Iraq if trying to get peace. And they need more troops there to succeed with their new plan, which is to protect civilians and win their confidence.

    Becoss the side that gets civilians on their side, wins the whole thing. So Obama's doing nothing wrong.


  2. I don't see what's wrong with the heartbeat sensor.

    Just wait when the campers get it, along with the trip mines. Then the fun begins.

    And why isnt PB better than VAC? I admit that VAC is good for some games, I couldnt imagine CSS with PB. I've never had trouble with PB, and it has always kicked/banned cheaters.

    Who cares that if the cheater that ruined your day gets banned in weeks or even months? I would like to get rid of him straight away so I could continue playing normally.

  3. It also appears you forgot to read a review about the singleplayer, which is also a big and interesting part of the game. Take a look at it, instead of just the multiplayer so you can whine about it.

    No, I read it. Everyone knows that its awesome, so why talk about it? Like only bad thing about it was that its a "console port", everything else was good. I read it today only because I was waiting for a Finnish language one. And who thinks that the "heartbeat sensor" is a good thing? What a terrible thing.

    Ehm, I guess you're talking about the pirated version now? That's the whole idea, if you don't want cheaters, then buy the game. Every legal server has VAC. You can also play CS on a cracked server, which has no VAC, and thus flooded with cheaters.

    No, I didnt mean pirated version. Its proven that you can get around VAC, and you cant kick anyone. Why did you think I was talking about pirated version?

  4. Just readed the review of MW2 PC version.

    The sounds were really good, awesome they said. Better than in MW1.

    And why do/did people say that VAC is better than PunkBuster? I dont agree, and neither does the review;

    The first codes that showed how to get around VAC were released one day after release, and every feature against hackers are gone, like taking demo's/filming. And when you add that cant kick any hackers, there's good ingredients for a problem.

    And you cant switch teams so its impossible to even teams when the losing side starts quitting one by one.

    And many, many more bad sides. Good sides were only:


    -easy to start

    -achievements and perks

    Yea, and this is how amazing "graphic settings" Pc gamers get:


    And the picture what Squirrel uploaded, isnt shopped, they took one for this review too.

  5. This is a bit offtopic, but here we go.

    The fake playercount aint that bad, it really helps the server to gain players. The surf server started having more and more players since the fake playercount was added.

    Before it, record was(after IP change) something like 12, and even that was rare. Today there was 16, which is much considering how it used to be. It will take time to revive the server completely, but its worth it.

    Offtopic Nobana out.

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