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Mr. Green Gaming

Ni pah

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Everything posted by Ni pah

  1. leather strips are made from leather, ( get some on bear, wolves, dears...) you can find iron everywhere, also if you have a pickaxe you can mine, it's an common material.
  2. god, i'm playing an high elve mage, destruction/conjuration/restauration on master difficulty beginning was hard, but now i'm litteraly obliterating everything, dual handing destruction spells give me a boner.
  3. I rerolled a mage, and with master difficulty, the game is hard but so much better, it's too easy on adept.
  4. That's what i play
  5. more noise, slower, use more stamina, but you cant lower those effect byputting point in the heavy armor tree. Light armors and dual welding ftw, Slashing at the speed of light.
  6. Awesome game, way more immersive than oblivion, as always with the elder scroll series, I rolled a khajit assassin, sneaking,backstabbing,lockpicking,murdering... that feels great. + the game is well optimized :'), running smoothly on ultra. I'll post some screen soon.
  7. Building a new comp soon, already got the cpu and motherboard.

  8. Hybrid monk are good, tank/dps/towerdamage superpose many auras for maximum ownage, up their range and dont forget to upgrade your stuff. A friend play monk and he can solo even the most difficult lane without tower, slow+electric damage+buff it's over
  9. I bought it, it's awesome and long, because getting each chara to reach lvl 70 is very long, same for upgrading weapons and shit, and it's hard on insane mod and you'll need a very good team. Awesome game
  10. played the demo with friends, it's a load's of fun, gonna buy it for sure.
  11. Happy birthday soldier ! I'll give you a cupcake.
  12. I'll buy a new comp in november for that beast, and skyrim.
  13. Sorry bro, I'm late HAPPY BIRThday !
  14. 10/10
  15. I'll probably buy it soon, even WITH my shitty Comp, I cant wait !
  16. Nipah or Ni pah lvl 30 1435 elo premade 5vs5 I got a team Add me if you want
  17. This man looks incredible ordinary, why would he be anything special? Because he invented some scientific important shizzle. And now the reason why this game is special? Real bullet ballistic-ironsights, immersive, actually need a lot of skill to shoot someone, innovative cover system for an fps, moral and suppression gestion and a lot of other thing.
  18. Nice screens and videos guys, thanks for keeping this topic alive.
  19. Gone for 10 days. See you folks.

  20. Fuck the ponies yo !

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Weo


      MLP means my little pony.

      FIM = friendship is magic

    3. VMR


      Friendships are only imaginary.

    4. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      We need to do a quarantine lockdown and let all people watch this:

  21. I'm selling a strange ambassador. I seek a strange rocket launcher, grenade launcher or shotgun http://www.tf2items.com/id/Artoow here's my bp if you're interested in something just tell.
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