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Mr. Green Gaming

Ni pah

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Everything posted by Ni pah

  1. because rena is so unique \o/
  2. Funny topic, here is mine
  3. Connais pas. Ta description sen rapproche fortement, c'est un mode super marrant enfin c'était mieux dans le deux ^^
  4. comme le mode hide and seek dans halo ?
  5. 9yrs old ?
  6. Give name, receive rape
  7. So who is the hacker ?
  8. I had the zombies guns bug too but get kicked instantly D:
  9. difficulty depend of the random events, the first time i passed the demo on expert without problems but in other try, we get totally raped !
  10. The demo was short but good, played it on advanced and expert, that wasnt hard but intense! There no idle time . The news weaps are great ( the ak47 <3 the magnum <33) and the melee weapons are powerfull and fun. So if you falled in love with l4d1 you should buy this, but if you dont liked l4d1 dont buy it , it's exactly the same schema , travel in little map with a lot of zombs. Sorry for my bad english :s i'll be back with some screens
  11. yep as damien say deleting the reg file is enough , it solved my problem.
  12. Ni pah


    Stranger: onche You: onche Stranger: onche onche ? You: onche !!! Stranger: are u french ? You: yep You: how do you know Stranger: je suis français ^^ You: ahah enorme You: j'ai fait deux essais de conversation jsuis tombé sur des malades Stranger: l'un des premiers français que je trouve Stranger: j'ai du faire quelques dizaine de conversation lol Stranger: excuse pour onche Stranger: enfait c'est des codes You: sa signifie quoi . You: ? Stranger: pour se retrouver avec des gens que je connais You: avec 3000 personnes bon courage Stranger: on est pas mal Stranger: on est d'un forum enfait You: ah lequel ? Stranger: jeux vidéo.com ^^ You: :noel: et toutes ces conneries ahah XD Stranger: mais lol Stranger: qui es tu ?
  13. ty
  14. [mp3] [/mp3]Fucking best song and it fits perfectly for a "oh shit i'm alone every poeple in the city are zombies" situation godspeed you black emperor - east hastings
  15. well i have this bose too, and i use it with my mp3.I think it's stupid to waste an awesome headset like this for videogames.
  16. THe headset looks exactly like this one a good bose headset
  17. My tag is ArtooW, i have halo3, odst, gow2 ,battlefield 1943,cod4...
  18. needs 1600 headshots D:
  19. No more crows ^^ i dont know for comeback
  20. Ni pah

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  21. Ni pah

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