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Z3ITM4NN last won the day on November 21 2024

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  1. MrGreens Any Order Weekend This Weekend (15/16 March) we will play on Any Order Maps. Find your own path to finish the Map as fast as possible! Collect every single Marker! Unlike our usual Events this Event will be decided only on Toptimes. In the given timespan u can join on the Event Server and set your Toptimes. Top1=10 pt Top2=9 pt and so on. (The Pts will be counted after the event finished) Top5 on each Day will get Rewards: 1. 5000 GC / 5 Day Vip 2. 4000 GC / 4 Day Vip 3. 3000 GC / 3 Day Vip 4. 2000 GC / 2 Day Vip 5. 1000 GC / 1 Day Vip Saturday Long Maps, Mainly made by S. (10 in total/3 by Z3): Between 14 CET and 22 CET ur able to set Toptimes. Sunday DD 100%. DD Maps made by me in the Past (10 in total). Between 16 CET and 21 CET ur able to set Toptimes. -Server: MrGreen Event Server (mtasa://event.mrgreengaming.com:22003) -For Toptimes and Rewards u need a MrGreen Login.
  2. Thanks everyone for joining and competing. Verstarbene performed very well and is the only Person to finish more then half of the Runs and therefor beating the Mappers times then failing to them. 1st Verstarbene : 30 2nd VoDe : 24 3rd ~Witchy. : 16 4th LikeMike : 13 5th Frankenstein: 12 6th Auriz-: 9 7th NikolaZ : 8 8th shortcat : 4 9th BEJZU : 3 9th topaz1: 3 11th EoF\Nick_026 : 2 12th THEMoroccanJOB : 1 13th SpeedyFolf : 0 13th NGR|Iveko : 0 13th Flo : 0 13th dzonsqq : 0 13th Qbi_ : 0 13th NGR|CBY : 0 13th =FoX=Wuzi : 0
  3. NTS Beat the Mapper - Lowrider The third edition of Beat the Mapper will be played on NTS-Maps. Can u beat me on my own Maps in just 5 Attempts? I did my best to set challenging Times! These times are set as Maptime, which only allows u to finish if u beat my time (or in rare cases have a lucky so close time that the timer let u finish still). Format: 10 Maps (1min-1min 30 Seconds) will be played 5 times each. One break before Map 6. Every time u finish u gain 1 Point, Position on each map does not matter aslong u finish. Most Finishes=Winner. -Date: Samstag, 8. März 2025 18:00 -Server: MrGreen Event Server -Duration: 60-90 Min -For Rewards u need a MrGreen Login. -NTS: As The Event Name Suggest we will only be driving Lowriders, yet still be random which Lowrider u get per Checkpoint. (Lowriders: Voodoo, Esperanto, Buccaneer, Remington, Slamvan, Blade, Savanna, Broadway, Tornado) Rewards: 1st: 5000 gc and 5 days vip 2nd: 3000 gc and 3 days vip 3rd: 1.000 gc and 1 days vip Additional: 1000 GC for every 10 Points u got. (Total Possible Points=50)
  4. [L2P]Learn 2 Play Bullet On Saturday 22. February 19 CET next Round of Learn 2 Play is coming! This time we will play with Bullet! Usual Format. First we will try to Master each of these parts in 10 Trys each and then we go for a 3 final Runs on the complete Map. Format: 6 Parts played 10 times each + Complete played 3 times each. Short Break after Round 30 and 60. Scoring: Z3ITM4NN Classific Scoring (Points per Finishposition + Toptime Classific): In Detail Means the top 32 Finishers gain Points and the best 10 times gain extra Points for the total Leaderboard. Additional the Toptimes on the Complete map will get a double Bonus. -Server: MrGreen Event Server -Duration: Estimated 1 Hour -For Extrapoints and Rewards u need a MrGreen Login to get counting Toptimes. 1st: 5000 gc and 5 days vip 2nd: 3000 gc and 3 days vip 3rd: 1.000 gc and 1 days vip
  5. @NickYahoo if u want to play in more active times have a look on discord and see if and how many people are online. MTA has a general player base issue and that GTA:SA isn't easy available anymore doesn't help it. @BoyKa"ask zitman he palanning to ban everyone the best manager 4 Ever ! Best Manager since day 1 , that why server is dead . Boyka u got banned by Mateo. I just refuse to unban you :'). And what u write shows exactly why u will not be unbanned anytime close to the next 5 years. -u should stop being the problem.
  6. Z3ITM4NN

    Request Unban

    Unban Request Denied. (Funny u don't even take the time to write my Name right)
  7. Since this ban had to do with your personal relationship with Mateo and didn't have a ingame reason. U are as of now unbanned. Enjoy your time on Mr. Green!
  8. Doublepost. Answer to your Request in the newer one.
  9. "If he did such thing before, then I think you should realize it's not unlikely he is capable of doing it again." Then we would ban one person a hundred of times coz another person said so. For the Blocking Part i can do nothing so far since i need proofs of that (That is always the case). My bad. For the Toxic Behaviour towards u i will do something tho. (For now that will be a Talk + Warning + Mute(Time to be decided)). Buying Maps is not punishable still. It would be another case if he sets 5+ Min maps and leaves. Hunting Certain Players Tops isn't punishable either (and quite common tbh). If any more proofs or information comes up i will react upon that. I hope u can stay away from each other to not cause any further trouble with each other. +Since i judge it on the now the Punishment might seem rather low to your liking but it will increase quite quick if he happens to not listen to the warning and mute.
  10. Long text indeed. Interesting but a lot of it is from the past, i will judge him on his now state which seems to be in certain ways like you are saying, we will see about that in the Report u wrote. As far it goes for me idc who someone is friends with or how many tops someone has + what relation i got to that Person, if i am acting as a admin i will consider the facts and the environment of these. Thanks for taking the time.
  11. Is it possible to provide Video or screenshot Evidence? Since right now this is only saying what he does but not showing. "Constant Provoking/Insulting"->Screen "Buying maps to make "revenge" for a player he doesnt like and beat his top"-> Specify which Maps. (Curious due it being not directly forbidden) "Ramming and blocking on purpose"->Video + Ramming is allowed aslong he is following the race (Not Skipping Checkpoints to chase you) "Manipulating admins" -> Screen and i am curious who exactly. Since at the end i and Mateo would have the last word anyway. "Using his reputation to escape punishments" -> Which punishments? Note: I am purely responding on what is written in this Topic. If there is evidence in the other, u just put it on the wrong place. Thanks for your answer to my Questions in advance.
  12. Update: Final Decision: Ur Unban Request is denied and therefor u will stay banned.
  13. You got banned after just getting unbanned in July (While being in a 3Month Mute Period). This sadly shows that your not compatible with the Mr.Green Community on the Server. Giving u chances doesn't really pay off. So the chance for u to get unbanned is quite low. Note: "Attract People" U would attract negative People like you so we don't really need that. I will respond with the Final decision in the next days!
  14. !Due the missing participation in submitting maps. The Event will not take place for now!
  15. Dedicated mrgreen event server.
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