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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Navo

  1. Uninstalling as patch gave horrible FPS lag. I so reget buying this game. *edit* Double post
  2. -snip-
  3. Tiny 2142 EU soldiers Titan Reactor Console 1 & 2 vs fired Pilum at Corridor shield of corridor 3 & 4.
  4. Cocks can make food. iOS4 vs Android
  5. EU BITCHES *edit* EA commander vs PAC commander
  6. France Netherlands vs Belgium
  7. Frostbite's fault
  8. Reinstalling.
  9. Universe would implode Dusty or Darkstar
  10. Navo

    Word Association

  11. /b/ taught me my morals.
  12. windows 7 right.. the things aboce you screen ( steam, Chrm etc. ) how... http://rocketdock.com/
  13. Navo

    Word Association

  14. LOL
  15. Why is that generator in the water.
  16. Whats wrong with the tracers? If it ain't on the list, it aint getting fixed. Yet. You cant see your own tracers. Also, the PC recieved those fixed weeks ago, except for the M14 and G3 scopes. Works fine on Xbawx. Why does EA say that PC will get that update later? Somehow I think you mixed this update with some else. http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/battlefield_bad_company/archive/2010/10/28/patch.aspx
  17. Whats wrong with the tracers? If it ain't on the list, it aint getting fixed. Yet. You cant see your own tracers. Also, the PC recieved those fixed weeks ago, except for the M14 and G3 scopes.
  18. Isnt there this thing called backseat moderating?
  19. I think you have a large change of becoming admin.
  20. IW as a minigame
  21. Needed his wool for a tent.
  22. http://0.thumbs.4chan.org/v/thumb/1290338128019s.jpg
  23. Navo

    Word Association

  24. bump
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