Say one game that have better sounds. None. Good, now shut up. BFBC2. BF2142. MW2. Call of Duty: Black Ops. BC2 sounds are good. BF2142 sounds arent even close, they are boring. And, Call of Duties? You gotta be kidding me, since when have airsoft guns sounded good. MoH and BC2 sounds are the only one with balls in it, even Halo sounds suck compared to those. Never played Arma 2 so dont know bout that. E: Its two different things that are the sounds realistic, and do they have balls. Was it Call of Duty: WaW that used real gun sounds, a bit modified? Those sounds sucked. No balls in them. CoD sounds are crap, indeed. BF2142 was decent. But those of MoH are just pure crap. All guns sound the same, and have WAY to much bass. From my experience with guns, they give a 'crack', not a 'boom'. Also, game is pretty fun.