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Mr. Green Gaming

Dr. Pannenkoek

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Everything posted by Dr. Pannenkoek

  1. my eyes are fully open BUT I CANT SEE

    1. FishWithAHat


      Stop rubing chili powder in them

    2. Dr. Pannenkoek

      Dr. Pannenkoek

      i swer ofcicer im fne, no chil for me

  2. MINECRAFT NAME Pannenkoek WHY YOU WANT TO BE IN THE FACTION I like building stuff and gathering resources, that's literally all that I want to do. Plus pure PVP bores me so this is a good alternative. WHAT YOU CAN OFFER AS A LONG TERM MEMBER Oh no, commitment! I guess throughout the whole build even after I can still be used to help with things. So to answer your question I guess just being another helpful hand for a long duration of time. IF YOU CAN USE THE MC TEAM SPEAK CHANNEL OR NOT Sure, but I'm not talkative. BUILDING SKILL LEVEL /10 (roughly) 7ish IF YOU ARE A PREVIOUS MEMBER OF PRODIGUILD/RANGERS Nop
  3. ain't old ZS if you don't have the glorious master race of life science and tug hut on show
  4. When did it turn super awesome? I must have missed the promotion ceremony!
  5. inb4 bel air
  6. thank you :>, and this thread is a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WhhSBgd3KI
  7. Think you say it as iwa, but Happy Birthday Overlord 1!
  8. I love my sniper, got the Sola Topi and a painted beige Villains Veil I'd love to have the white Made Man and the Rogue's Col Rouge with my Charmers Chapeau
  9. shin chan :>
  10. Tis me, and yes it's in Nevada... near Death Valley if I recall...

  11. I'm more of a strawberry man myself.
  12. aaaaand here's where it goes downhill
  13. Good for games, meh for downloading... I do it all overnight anyway.
  14. You may want to get rid of that full stop after the link :>
  15. Heh, I haven't pulsed since we made my computer
  16. Their Twitter says that something fantabulous will happen at 11pm PST (7:00am? GMT) If anyone is actually going to get up/stay up for it I'd love to find out what it was/will be.
  17. Most of mine would involve being asleep in the floor though :<
  18. Well, I'm getting way less lag and if that's to do with the overflow then I can put up with it for the beta. But to be honest I'm kinda doing it all on my own or may have random people coming in and helping me kill something so the overflow thing doesn't really bother me.
  19. I am enjoying this verrrry much, but these events fuck my fps like a little bitch :<
  20. What's the server name thing anyway?
  21. yeah I'm looking at the worlds now in game and I have no idea what to pick
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